Chapter Twenty

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"What do you need to talk to me about?"  "I think you need to trust me more."  "What?  I do trust you, it's Zayn I don’t trust!"  "If it were Zayn, would you have made me sleep somewhere else last night?  He's my friend too, so you can't tell me to stay away from him!"  I started raising my voice  "How am I supposed to be ok with you all over another guy?!  You're always hugging him, and I'm getting sick of hearing his name every five seconds!"  "That's not true!  And you know what, you don't have to see me hug him or hear me talk about him anymore, because we're through.  Goodbye, Niall."   I walked down the hall, and into Louis' room.  He was the only one I felt comfortable talking to about this.  I walked in without knocking, and by this point I was already in hysterics.  "What's wrong, love?"  He was sitting on the bed, and held his arms open.  I sat down in his lap and cried all over his shirt.  "Is it about something someone did?"  I nodded.  "One of the boys?"  I nodded again.  "Niall?"  "Y-y-yes." I was holding onto him for dear life and he sat there with me until I calmed down.  "The boys are waiting in the limo, but why don't I drive us so you can talk to me?"  "Ok, thanks."  Louis was so good in these situations.  He called someone who I assumed to be Liam, because whoever it was kept asking questions about me.  "Yes daddy."  Yep, it was Liam.  He hung up and threw an arm around my shoulder.  "Let's go."  We walked out to the car, got inside, and followed the limo.  "So, what did Niall do this time?"  "He was being a butt head."  He laughed.  "Well, you've got to be a little more descriptive than that."  "He got all mad that I hugged Zayn.  He's my friend, I should be able to hug him."  He nodded, but bit his lip.  I knew he was holding something back.  "Spit it out, Lou."  "Nothing ever leaves this van, got it?"  I nodded.  "Well, I happen to know that Zayn was going to ask you out the day after Niall did.  Niall knew that too, but he was so 'in love' with you that he wanted you for himself.  Zayn got really mad at Niall for asking you out before he had the chance and said he was going to have you one day, so that's why Niall told him to stay away."  "Holy freaking crap.  I can't believe this.  I'm so glad I dumped that loser."  Louis looked at me with wide eyes.  "You what?  Please tell me you didn't just say you dumped him!"   "Why is that so bad?"  He shook his head and let out a deep breath.  "I can't tell you."  Ok this was so confusing.  "Why cant you tell me?"  "Because, I just can't.  It's one of Niall's secrets, but it might not even happen.  I'm sorry Ash, you know I'd tell you if I could."  He pulled   out his phone, and called Zayn.  "Hey, you need to watch Niall...ok...yeah it's probably not going to help...thanks, bye."  He put his phone down and smiled at me.  "We're here."  I let out a huge groan, and stomped up to the building.  Lou had his arm around me, and the reporters  were asking questions like "Are you going out?  If not, then do you like her?"  Some people were so stupid.  "Yes, we're getting married right now.  Goodbye."  I replied sarcastically, and grabbed Lou's arm to bring him inside.  "You know, that's going to be all over the news now."  I shrugged.  "Oh, Ashley honey right this way.  You need to be in room 112 for hair and makeup in twenty."  She pointed at Louis, and he gave her a thumbs up as he walked the opposite direction.  "Ok, you can go set up in there."  She pointed to a room down the hall and I smiled.  "Hey, are you ok?"  I knew that belonged to Zayn.  "Yeah, I'm fine."  I smiled at him.  I feel really bad for him because of the whole Niall thing, but I couldn't tell him because Louis made me swear not to tell anyone.  "Good, just wanted to make sure."  "Can you come here for a second?"  He nodded, and followed me to a room that was empty.  I shut the door, and turned around to face him.  "Zayn, Louis told me about what Niall did to you.  I know I can't do anything about it, but I'm sorry.  And don't get mad at Louis, because I forced it out of him."  He looked up at me.  "He told you everything?"  "I guess, I mean he told me about how you were going to ask me out but then Niall did before you could, and you said you were going to have me so that's why Niall told you to stay away.  Is that everything?"  He nodded, biting his lip.  "I shouldn't have even said anything to Niall.  I'm so sorr-"  He was cut off when I crashed my lips into his.  I don't even know why I did it, I just had a random spaz I guess.  "Really Ashley, really?!"  I quickly pulled away to see a very ticked off Louis standing in the doorway.  "I-I-Louis.."  He crossed his arms over his chest, and raised an eyebrow waiting for an explanation.  "I kissed her, she had nothing to do with it."  "I'm so-wait, what?!"  I turned and looked at him.  "Well, I have to go so I'll see you two later."  He simply walked out the door like kissing your friend was an everyday thing.  "Ashley, you have a little bit of explaining to do."  "And what would that be?"  He cocked his head to the side.  "Why did you kiss Zayn?"  How the heck did I know I kissed him?  "I didn't."  "I walked in and saw you.  Why did you do it?"  I shrugged.  "I felt really bad, ok?"  "You gave him the wrong idea, he's going to think you like him now!  Usually that kind of thing happens when you kiss someone."  I rolled my eyes.  "I'm sorry, Lou.  I just wasn't thinking."  "I think you're going to need a big shovel to dg yourself out of this one."  He's so stupid.  "Hair and makeup in five!"  The lady screamed over the loud speaker.  "Crap.  I have to go get my stuff ready.  Love you Lou, see you in a minute."  I ran down the hall, and opened the door to 112.  There was a couch, vanity, and a few stools for them to sit on while I did their hair and makeup.  "The party has arrived!"  Harry screamed bringing everyone else in with him.  "Ok, who's first?"  "Me!"  Liam ran over to me, and sat on a stool.  I got busy on his makeup, which didn't take long.  None of them even needed it, but I had to do it just to make them look 'flawless'.  I finished his hair, and Harry sat down next.  I had to get his curls just right, or their manager wouldn't be very happy with me.  "Done, next."  Next was Zayn.  It was kind of awkward, but he just pretended like nothing even happened.  His hair took forever too, because I had to use about a gallon of hairspray to get it to work with me.  "Next."  Niall sat down, but he didn't look too happy to be there.  I only did what was absolutely necessary so he wouldn’t have to stay in my presence for long. "Done." He got up, not once making eye contact. Louis sat in front of me.  The other guys seemed to be in a conversation with each other, so Louis started talking to me.  "Do you want me to tell Zayn you're madly in love with him now?"  I threw my brush at him.  "Shhh!  One of them might hear you.  I don't like Zayn like that."  "Ok, then we won't have a problem as long as you don't go for Liam next."  I gagged at the thought.  I mean, don't get me wrong...Lam is HOT but he's more like a brother  "Oh, no.  I don't want Liam, I want you Louis."  I said it really serious, but was laughing on the inside.  He looked up at me nervously.  "Ummm, well...I don't really like you like that...but you're really nice and stuff..."  He looked at the floor, and I started dying laughing.  "Gotcha!"  "Oh, thank Lord!  You really scared me."  We started laughing, and seemed to catch everyone's attention.  "Something funny, guys?"  Harry was starting to laugh too, it seemed like our laughter was contagious.  "Oh, yeah.  Ashley just asked me out, and I said yes."  I laughed even harder, because that's not even close to what happened.  Everyone had weird looks on their faces.  I forgot that they didn't know Niall and I broke up.  "What a shocker."  Niall said under his breath.  "What did you just say?"  I turned and looked him straight in the eyes.  "Well, it's really not."  I took a deep breath, and decided to be the bigger person.  I spun around on my heel, and walked out of the room.  "Look what you did, Niall!"  I heard Louis say.  He was going to come after me, so I started running.  I ran as fast as I could until I found an empty room.  "Breathe, don't cry. You're going to be ok, Ashley."  I kept telling myself.  "Ashley?"  Louis knocked, but I didn't answer.  Thankfully, I heard the footsteps run to the next room over.  "Baby you light up my world like nobody else, they way th-"  I tapped the answer button.  "Lou, I'm f-"  "Where are you?"  I sighed.  "I'm not going to tell you.  I want to be alone."  "I'll leave you alone, just tell me what room you're in."  I groaned.  If I didn't, he would most likely get security to find me.  "I'm in the room at the end of the hallway next to the bathrooms."  "Ok, we're going on in five minutes, and I would love it if you would watch us."  I decided I would go watch when they were on.  "Ok, thanks for checking Lou."  "No problem.  Love you, mum."  One of the reporters must've walked in.  They would flip out if they knew who he was talking to.  "Love you too, son."  I giggled, and hung up.  I waited for the lady on the loud speaker to announce that the boys needed to be on set until I came out.  "All members of One Direction should be on set now!"  There's my cue.  I went over to the door, and opened it.  There was no one in the hall besides the occasional worker from backstage.  "Today, we have a special guest.  Or should I say five special guests!  Ladies and gentleman, please welcome One Direction!"  The crowd went wild.  They all walked out, looking flawless.  "How are you guys doing?"  "Good."  They all answered.  "I'm just going to cut right to the question everyone has been dying to know.  Who is single?"  Louis and Zayn were the only ones who raised their hands.  Niall didn't raise his, probably because he already has another tramp all over him.  "Wow, that's 3/5 of One Direction!  What's her name?"  She passed the mic to Harry.  "Ummm, her name is Georgia."  He blushed.  Ok, if Kat was going to kill him before...just wait until she figures out that he told the whole world he was dating her. Harry passed the mic to Liam.  "Kat, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me."  The crowd 'awww'd and I did also.  Liam gave the mic to Niall.  "I have this one girl, but it's complicated.  We have had our fights, but I honestly love her more than anything."  I saw a tear escape his eye, and I felt something wet on my cheek.  I was crying?  "Awww!  Sounds like this is one lucky girl.  Does she have name?"  He looked over at me.  "Don't you dare."  I mouthed to him.  "I don't think she would want me to tell you, sorry."  "That's ok.  It'll be out soon enough."  She continued talking to them.

Yay!  This is the 20th chapter, so I decided to make it long to celebrate :)  What do you guys think is going to happen?  Vote, Comment, Fan, and remember...YOU'RE AWESOME!  

Love you guys all so so so much!  xxxmattixxx

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