Chapter 1

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firstbook on wattpad so if it sucks im sorry. here goes nothing. hope you enjoy.

chapter 1- the new kid

*Nick's pov*

I layed in my bed with my hands above my head. debating with myself if i should get up or not. im not good with new people. I got used to rose but she was only 4 when my mom and dad adopted her.  she was easy to get used to.  this boy was going to be 16 just like me. I dont know if I could handle it. I was a small boy. I was 5'4, I had short black hair, with dull green eyes, and a small fragile body. there wasnt much to me.

Andy Dennis Biersack Jr was supposed to be a tall strong buff guy, that plays hockey,  and football.  Jr was adopted by Andy from Black Veil Brides and apparently they changed his name. im Christian's younger brother, so we decided to watch him while Black Veil Brides was on tour.

I took a deep steady breath and decided to go downstairs. I had to share a room with Jr untill the guys got back from tour. I stood up and pull on a pair on black pajama pants with skulls all over them on. I walked slowly downstairs and entered the dinning room. I walked to my chair and sat down. mom sat at one end of the table talking with my dad as he sipped on coffee while getting ready for work.  I looked to my right and there was Jr.  I froze as soon as I saw him staring at me like I was some new punching back. I quickly looked away and down at the table.

I was right, he was buff. he had a toned chest and arms, from the looks he worked out a lot. he had short blonde hair and deep blue eyes that almost looked purple. he was wearing a plain black tee that hugged his body like a pair of tights and some dark blue skinny jeans. but damn he was cute. yes your probably wondering why I think hes cute, its because im gay.

someone tapped me on my shoulder. I looked at them and it was Jr.  he had his hand extended towards me, with a smile upon his lips. I hesitantly shook his hand.

"im Andy Jr,  but everybody just calls me Jr" he keep smiling as he let go of my hand. 

"I-i im uh Nick..." I said shyly. he chuckled a little.

"its nice to meet you Nick, you wouldnt mind showing me around the house would you??"

"uh sure I-i guess." isaid. standing up and looking around one last time. Rose wasnt there. I thought for a second. ah she must be in her room playing with her dolls. it was summer and we didnt have school so she must be there. somebody snapped their fingers in my face pulling me out of my thoughts.

"are you ok, Nick??" Jr asked. I just nodded. I turned around and started walking around he house showing him all the different rooms. I started with thr living room, from there I went to the kitchen and dining room. then headed upstairs. I pointed to Rose's room.

"thats rose's room and unless you want pony tails and to play dolls all day, I suggest you stay out of there" I said with a small chuckle. rose was now 6, and getting into the more barbie kind of things. I headed further on down the hall and stoped at my room. I pointed to my parents room at the end of the hall.

"that room is off limits, it's mom and dads room. and this is my room" i said opening the door to my room and walking in.  my room was spotless. I liked keeping it clean. Jr walked in behind me and set his suitcase next to the wall.  I walked to my king size bed and sat down.

"for a teenager your room is pretty clean" Jr said looking around.

"I like it clean, it just irritates me when its dirty." I layed back on my bed, but quickly sat up looking at Jr.  "about the bed, we have to share this room that means when were asleep you stay on your side and ill stay on mine, got it?" I asked staring him down. he looked at me.

"why?" he asked. that was like the most stupidest question on the face of the earth.  "you dont like cuddling?" he asked walking towards me.

"n-no..." I said quietly. I scooted back on the bed.  he smirked and he crawled on to the bed over me. I feel back so I was laying down with him hovering above me.

"thats to bad because Im a big cuddle bug." he fell to the side of me, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close to him. it felt nice. I felt like I was protected from danger and I never wanted to leave his arms. I leaned my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. it was steady,  beating every few seconds.

I could have stayed there my whole life, but unfortunately mom called us down for lunch.  it was 11:30 when i finally decided to get out of bed this morning. god its already 12, I sighed sitting up and looking at Jr. he had his eyes closed.

"Jr, come on its time for lunch" I said shaking him. his eyes fluttered open and his gaze stopped on me. we stayed like that for a good 5 minutes just staring into each others eyes. he sat up breaking the gaze and stood up on to his feet. I did the same. I looked up at him, he was a good 8 inches taller than me. I shook my head and walked out of my room with Jr following behind me. I ran down the stairs, while Jr walked. I sat in my chair and Jr was soon sitting next to me.

we ate in silence. after I was done eating I stood up and walied upstairs back in to my room to get ready for the day.

ps: ok this was only my first chapter. comment on what you liked and what you think I need to improve on, thanks everybody.  -Chris

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