Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 everybody.  hope you enjoy. love you all.

Chapter 3- the concert

*Nick's pov*

After the announcement,  I walked up to my room and finished getting dressed. I dryed off and pulled on my pants, along with my shirt and belt. I walked to my desk, grabbing my bracelets. I had My Chemical Romance, Black Veil Brides,  Falling in Reverse, Pierce The veil, and Sleeping with Sirens.  I slipped them on to my wrists, with three on one hand and two on the other

I wanted more but I had no money, bleh.  I walked into the bathroom, that was connected to my room and blow dryed my hair. After it was completely dry I combed to it looked decent,  although it wasnt go to last long, I was going to the concert. I had used my money I had saved and bought myself a ticket. 

I walked back in to my room and pulled on my black beanie. I turned bumping into something hard. I put my hand on there chest, looking up at them.  it was Jr.  he was smiling down at me. I quickly removed my hand from his chest and took a few steps back.

"hey, come on the guys are gonna take us down to the concert with them" Jr stated, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room and down the stairs, before I could even get a word out. he let go of my hand when we were both downstairs. I walked to the door, slipping on my toms that were covered with batman symbols. 

Jr walked out of the front door and I followed. the guys bus was sitting out front of the house with Andy standing outside the door smoking.  I rolled my eyes, I never understood why he got himself hooked on a such a stupid drug. Jr climbed on the bus after bro fisting Andy. I climbed on After him. Andy soon joined us. the doors to the bus closed. Andy popped a seat next to Ashley.  Jr sat on the ground in front of Andy.

"pop a seat Nick, your not sitting when the bus starts moving, it will find a seat for you." Cc chuckled as Jake sat in his lap, on the couch next to Ashley and Andy. Jinxx sat In a chair next to the couch. as I went to sit next to Jr he bus started moving and I ended up in Jr lap. my cheeks started to heat up and I quickly scooted off of his lap.

him and the guys all laughed as my cheeks turned a bright red. I hid my face In my hands with a smile on my lips. somebody's arms wrapped around me engulfing me into a tight hug. when I looked to see who was hugging me, only made my blish grow bigger. it was Jr. he pulled me close to him so I was sitting vey close to his side. I could feel his body heat. my blush eventually went away.

as we pulled to a stop everybody got up, and headed off the bus. when we were in the venue, everybody headed backstage. but me and Jr.  we were stoped by the guards. Cc and Andy had to come back and get us from the guard. once we were backstage everbody was rushing around to get ready. Jr and I sat in chairs next to each other silently, untill he broke the silence between us.

"can I ask you a question?" I looked at him. he was staring at me like he was when I first saw him.

"sure" I said nervously.

"what do you think about wolfs?"

"I think they are lovely creatures, why?" he shook his head looking down at the ground. "whats wrong?" I asked. he only shook his head again in response. 

"what about werewolfs?" he asked, the same question but different in a way.

"I think they are amazing, changing from human to wolf its just magnificent" I said with a smile on my lips. I think wolfs are absolutely beautiful. I wish I could see one in person. ive always been curious about them. I looked away from Jr for a second to see what Cc was doing. he was making out with Jake. eww and aww at the same time but seriously get a room. I looked back at Jr. as I turned my head to him. he kissed me lightly on the lips, got up and walked off.

I sat there with my fingers pressed to my lips stareing in the direction he walked off to. does this mean he likes me?

Oo cliffhanger...I think...I dont not good at these things... comment and vote, please. thanks everybody. love you and I know this one is a bit early but I was bored so I decided to make another chapter and dont worry I will update tomorrow as well.   -Chris

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