
8.5K 132 13

April 2002

Hermione stood outside her friend and roommate's door, listening to the heated exchange with tears streaming down her cheeks. Harry Potter's suitcase stood by the front door of their flat, as he begged for forgiveness and understanding from his fiancé.

"Doesn't it mean anything to you that we're in the middle of planning our wedding?" Ginny sobbed.

"Of course it does. We're just encountering a minor setback," Harry said, attempting to console her.

"You going away for Merlin knows how long is not a MINOR setback! Our wedding is in three months! Will you even be back by then?"

"I don't know," Harry replied defeatedly.

Hermione softly leaned her head back against the wall and closed her eyes. When there was a knock on their door, she had assumed it was the Chinese takeaway she and Ginny had ordered. Instead, it had been Harry, furiously running his hand through his hair. She barely heard him say "Hello" as he strode straight to Ginny's room.

"So now I have to owl everyone and let them know the wedding is postponed indefinitely. What about the house?"

"The house is fine. All of that is in order," Harry assured. "It's in both of our names so you can move in there as planned."

"I don't like the idea of being in that big house, all alone," Ginny protested.

"Then just move my stuff in by the end of June so my landlord can let my flat out." There was a pause in conversation and all Hermione could hear was muffled sobs. She imagined that Harry had gathered Ginny into his arms and was letting her cry out her frustration into his chest.

"I'm so sorry Gin. Believe me, Ron and I tried like mad to get out of this assignment. But there was no way around it. Plans have already been set in motion and if we don't go, a lot of lives are at stake."

Harry and Ron had been Aurors with the Ministry's Department of Magical Law Enforcement for four years now. After the war, it didn't take them long to get inducted and rise through the ranks. Over the years, they'd had many assignments that took them away from home for stretches of time, but usually for no more than two weeks at a time.

This assignment was different though. They were tapped to help infiltrate and take down a group of dark wizards abroad. They wouldn't know where they would be until they got there and, once they were there, they would be cut off from all forms of communication. No owls out or in. With no set end date for the placement, it could prove to be a while before they were heard from again.

After packing his suitcase as quickly as possible, Harry had rushed over to say goodbye to Ginny. Hermione was certain that Ron had packed up and went to spend his last few moments saying goodbye to his parents.

"I promise we will try to get this done as quickly as possible," she heard Harry say. "None of us like the situation, but we have no choice. Promise you'll wait for me?"

"Of course I'll wait for you, you prat." A giggle escaped and Hermione smiled when she heard Ginny swat his arm.

Hermione tiptoed to the living room, letting them have the last few minutes of privacy. She started pacing the worn out Oriental rug and mindlessly chewing her fingernails. What was she going to do without her best friends around? Even when they had been on assignments before, they were able to send out one or two owls, reassuring her and Ginny that they were fine and would be home soon.

Her pacing ceased when Harry and Ginny came out of her room. Without saying anything, Hermione ran and threw her arms around Harry.

"I'm sorry Min," Harry whispered, squeezing her tight.

"I know," Hermione sniffled. "Just promise that you two will take care of yourselves. Don't do anything reckless and stupid."

"Reckless and stupid? Just who do you think I am?"

"I know exactly who you are, Harry Potter." She patted his chest and smiled sadly. "Take care of yourself and tell Ron we said goodbye." She let him go and brushed the tears from her eyes.

Harry nodded and turned back to Ginny, pulling her in for a final embrace and kiss. "I love you," he said, through choked breath. He kissed her forehead, picked up his suitcase and, with a quick crack of apparition, Harry was gone.

Ginny fell to the floor, crying loudly and uncontrollably. Hermione sat down beside her and took her hand. Not quite knowing what to say to her heartbroken friend, Hermione leaned her head on her friend's shoulder and let Ginny cry, while her own tears silently fell.

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