Chapter 3

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August 2002

Hermione apparated to the stock room of Wizard Wheezes. From beyond the curtain, she could hear the twins conversing with early morning customers. She slipped out into the shop to find a woman waiting at the till, but no one behind the counter.

"Hi there," Hermione greeted, scurrying to the register. "Was there anything else you needed help finding this morning?" The lady smiled and shook her head. Hermione rung up her purchase and bid her farewell. She did the same for several others while Fred and George rushed about the shop, helping the browsing customers, every few minutes nipping behind the curtain to bring out more stock.

"Quite the Monday morning rush," Hermione commented, dropping a galleon and three sickles into the tray as the boys made their way back to the counter.

"Thanks for the reinforcement there, Min," George sighed.

"Doesn't Lee usually help you out on Mondays?"

"Yeah, but he's coming in late today. Has to help his grandfather with something or other," Fred explained.

"Something or other," Hermione laughed. "Nice to see you two pay attention. I just wanted to stop by and say goodbye. I need to be off or I'll be late." She ducked back behind the curtain and grabbed her suitcase.

"Goodbye? Where are you going?" Fred called. Hermione came back to the counter and was surprised to see his face a bit crestfallen.

"Egypt, remember?" Both boys gave her blank looks. "I told you the other week that I was going to go there early and have bit of a vacation."

"Are you sure? You didn't do one of those moves where you think you told us, but never actually mentioned it?" George said.

"Who do you think I am? Ron?" Hermione asked in exasperation. "No, I specifically remember telling you the other week, after I finished the bookkeeping. Viktor invited me to spend a few extra days over there, to visit and catch up, so I took some extra vacation days. Does any of this ring a bell?"

"Nope," George said, slapping the counter. "But have fun! Give Viktor our best."

Hermione started to laugh, but stopped quickly when she saw Fred's serious face.

"Everything okay Fred?"

Her question seemed to give him a jolt. He nodded quickly and mumbled a quick, "Yeah, fine."

"Don't worry, I'll see you guys in four days."

"Of course, no, I was just thinking about other things," Fred said, waving her off. He slumped off to a corner and started restocking their fireworks section.

"Did I do something?" Hermione asked, turning to George. She had been hoping for a nicer send off than the mopey one she was receiving.

"Existential crisis, I believe. He'll be fine by this weekend." George pulled her in for a hug and then walked her to the door. "Go on, have fun. We'll be joining you soon enough."

"Bye Fred!" she called. She was replied to with half hearted muttering. "Check in on Ginny for me," Hermione added, opening the door.

"Yup, will do. Off now, or you'll miss that portkey." George nudged her out of the shop, calling, "Love you! Bye!" and shutting the door, before she could protest.

With a huff, Hermione set off for the Leaky Cauldron so that she could floo to the Ministry of Magic. At the last minute Viktor had said he would be arriving in Egypt early, with his family, to do some sightseeing before his grueling practice session started. He asked if Hermione would be able to get away for a few extra days, since they hadn't seen each other since Bill and Fleur's wedding. She rarely took advantage of her accumulated vacation time and figured she'd treat herself. Maybe getting out of the country, alone, would allow her to shake Fred from her system.

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