Chapter 16

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April 2003

After work, Hermione apparated to the shop and was surprised to find it quiet and empty. No redheads streaking through the aisles or standing behind the register. She was about to call out for the twins, but then George's head poked out from behind the curtain.

"Oh, just you," was his greeting, followed by a cheeky smile.

"Maybe 'just me' should take these pizzas back to Pietro's?" Hermione suggested, making a move back to the door.

"No need for that, Hermione, one of my favorite witches in the whole wide world!" George cried, rushing into the shop and holding out his hands. "Has anyone told you yet today that you look absolutely gorgeous?"

"Flattery will get you far, just ask your brother," Hermione said with a wink, throwing back his cheeky grin and handing over the two pizzas.

"I think we'll just leave it at that. Come on back. We were just working on a new idea. What time is it?"

Hermione glanced at her watch and answered, "Quarter 'til six. I though the shop would be busier than this on a Friday night?"

"Eh, hit and miss right now. Students aren't out for Easter hols until next week. Things will definitely pick up then. Mind locking up for me?" George asked, nodding his head towards the front of the shop. Hermione waved and flicked her wand so that the CLOSED sign flipped and the door locked. George began to make his way back to the stockroom and Hermione scurried ahead to pull back the curtains for him. "Thanks."

Hermione ducked behind the curtain and stopped when she heard music coming from their workroom. It wasn't from a wizarding band, playing through the wireless. It was the Muggle band, Queen. "Another One Bites the Dust?" Hermione questioned. She opened the workroom door and felt instantly seasick. The room was lined with mirrors of all shapes and sizes. It was like she had stepped into a funhouse room.

"Hello, darling!" Fred said, jumping off his stool and giving her a quick kiss.

"Hi. What on earth are you guys coming up with now?"

"Appraising mirrors," Fred answered, throwing his arms wide, gesturing at their mirrors. "We closed the shop around lunch time to go and browse a bunch of antique and secondhand shops. Between customers, we cleaned and polished them up and voila!"

"What exactly does an appraising mirror do?" Hermione queried, looking around the room. "And is that my iPod?"

"Yes," Fred said, reaching over and hitting the pause button. "You and Finnigan inspired us on New Year's Eve with your Muggle music. We're working on enchanting these mirrors with some fun Muggle songs that will hopefully play an appropriate selection, based on a person's appearance when they stand in front of it."

"Will it turn people's hair a different color?"

George sniggered and shook his head. "No, they just play music. We figure wizards like Dad will get a kick out of the novelty of Muggle music. We're hitting a few stumbling blocks though, on duplicating the songs and getting an enchantment to stick to the mirrors."

Hermione leaned against Fred, chewing on her inner cheek as she had a think. His arm snaked around her, pulling her close and she relaxed into his side.
"Maybe a Protean Charm paired with Sonorus could do the trick?" Hermione suggested. She laced her fingers with Fred's, that were on her hip. "If you're still stuck after this weekend, let me know and I'll see if I can help. I have to get going though. Don't want to keep your sister waiting."

"The bed's going to be so lonely tonight," Fred bemoaned, gently tugging Hermione around so she was facing him.

She smiled up at his exaggerated pout as George made gagging noises behind them. "Shut it you," Hermione scolded, glancing around Fred to his twin. "I distinctly remember someone staying with us a few weeks ago when his wife was sent off on a business trip."

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