Chapter 7

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October 2002

Hermione applied a swipe of grey eyeshadow to each of her lids and a coat of pale pink gloss to her lips. A bit of blush on her cheeks, to liven up her pale complexion, and two spritzes of perfume as a finishing touch. Taking a step back, she scrutinized her reflection in the full length mirror.

She was wearing black leggings with a black and white striped striped sweater dress over them. She had left her curls long and loose, choosing to just pin the sides back. Her jewelry was minimalist with just a pair of faux diamond studs in her ears. Deeming her appearance date worthy, Hermione slipped into a pair of black ballet flats and grabbed her purse, just as the floo sounded from the living room.

"What's for dinner?" Fred asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"I've got you spoiled already," Hermione laughed. She pointed to the refrigerator and said, "Leftovers. I'm on my way out."

Fred gave her an appraising look and inquired, "Another one of my sister's setups?"

"Yes, she's promised that this one isn't going to make me want to pull my hair out."

"And you trust her?"

"He's taking me to the theater after dinner, so he holds promise." Hermione shoved her keys into her purse and grabbed her wand from the counter. "Fingers crossed that I actually make it all the way through this date."

"Good luck," he said, opening up the fridge to rummage for dinner. "Should I wait up?"

"I don't like your insinuations, Weasley. I shall be returning to my own bed tonight, thank you very much. See you later."

Fred waved and Hermione apparated to a dark corner, across the street from the posh Italian restaurant. At the walk signal, she scurried across the crosswalk and up to the front doors. When she gave the Maitre D' her name, he smiled warmly and escorted her into the low lit restaurant and back to a corner booth. Hermione's heart skipped a beat when her date stood to greet her.

He stood at least six foot tall in a midnight blue, tailored suit and tie. He was clean shaven, with his dark hair clipped short and neat. His dark brown skin was as smooth as his silky voice when he reached out and took Hermione's hand, introducing himself.

"Hello Hermione. I'm Alister Dennington." He motioned for Hermione to have a seat, taking his place across from her. "I've been looking forward to meeting you. Ginny talks about you a lot at the club."

"Does she now?" Hermione felt her cheeks start to glow. She was stunned by how incredibly handsome Alister was and suddenly felt very self-conscious.

The feeling didn't last long, though. Alister was very relaxed and soon made Hermione feel at ease. He was genuinely interested in her job and all the equal rights amendments she was trying to get passed through in the Ministry. He had of course heard about her past, but didn't linger on it or push for details when the subject came around.

Hermione was just as interested in Alistair. He was a Medi-Wizard with the Harpies and spent a bit of time regaling Hermione with a few of his more humorous injury stories. Like Hermione, both his parents were Muggles. He had read every one of her favorite books, knew about all her favorite shows and movies. He didn't care much for Quidditch, but loved tennis. Hermione had never played tennis in her life, but she was suddenly very interested in giving it a try.

After a pleasant dinner, she and Alistair walked the short distance to the theater. Hermione was delighted to find out that the tickets he had were for Les Miserables. It had been Hermione's most beloved musical since her father took her to see it when she was eleven.

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