The Supermarket

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The sky was crying as I entered the bright, christmassy supermarket. As I walked through the doorway, I was hit with a burst of christmas music. Walking down the strict uniform aisles, I thought to myself, 'I cant believe its this time of year already.' I navigated my way down busy aisles full of boxes filled to the brim with colourful alluring treats. It was the time of year where business men earn enough cash to fill a swimming pool.

Half-heartedly I dragged myself past the christmas specials towards the frozen aisle. As I sauntered past the turkeys, I hauled one of the solid birds into my basket. After collecting a few other items like brussel sprouts and suffering three more christmas tunes I made my way to the checkouts.

At this time of year it is inevitable that shopping is like entering a warzone and the checkouts are most definitely the front line. After what felt like hours queueing, I finally resorted to using my worst nightmare- the self service checkouts. Struggling with the weight of my steel basket, I dragged myself up towards the machine.
"Please place your basket in the area and press the button on the screen," the machine barked at me.
"Please place your basket in the area and press the button on the screen," the monotonous tone repeated as I heaved the hefty load into the area and jabbed at the large 'Press here to start' button. Slowly the screen started to change and once again the machine started to bark commands at me.
"Please scan the item and place it in the baggage area," the voice commanded. I decided it would probably be easier to start with the smaller items so after a short struggle with the brussel sprouts, I only had one rather large, frozen item left - the turkey. It was my greatest foe yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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