I'm sorry

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This is an announcement

This is not a story for entertainment , I'm not an "actual" author (if you couldn't already tell). This is me rewriting a story, I've changed some details, but this is a story about my feelings and things that I think about. The biggest truth in this is the feelings of the two characters(for now) later on, I don't know, his feelings might change, and then they won't match. If you are looking for a constant book, this is not for you. This is a book that I write when I'm thinking about that person that I know I shouldn't be thinking about, because it will only make it hurt more, but then I think about him anyways. This is a little bit of personal experience mixed in with a lot of hopes/things that I think about when I'm alone/those dark secrets you don't want anyone to know/how I hope whatever might happen would happen if it ever did(in other words, my dream "middle" part of our relationship).

I'm not going to say don't hate and be a cliche asshat(am I the only one who finds that word really funny, like if I were in a heated argument and I called them an asshat or anyone said asshat, I would immediately start laughing, no matter how mad I was). In fact, I would prefer the hate, it makes me laugh and I find it really funny, because it shows that you have no life and you go around looking at things and taking time out of your life to be an arrogant, rude (here it comes) asshat (dammit it didn't work, I prepared myself and everything oh whale) and make others feel worse about themselves, so instead of taking offense to what you say, I will feel pity for you that you have nothing better to do but sit infringe of your laptop, computer, tablet, phone, or antithetical thing you're using to read this and criticize other people. I'll probably respond if you do comment and say you're right and then laugh, so please do comment hate, it'll make me laugh and then my day will be better.

Another reason why I'm sorry, like I said before, I'm not an author, I don't have a constant style, just look at my first two disastrous, terrible chapters(and this). My style changes, it's changed mid chapter, I think. The pic will change. Like I said this is me telling you an extremely embellished story. The two main characters are real people, one is me the other is someone that I know. Catch my drift(do people even say that? I swear I'm so out of the loop that people should hate me and call me school loop, that sounded better in my head...)? This is going to be a bad story, I'm writing it as though I were actually telling you this in person and in doing that, I'm inputting my thoughts as I write this(my thoughts are the extremely annoying and upsetting stupid text in the parenthesis, usually) and you might find that annoying, I do too, but I feel like putting it there so in the words of a very wise man by the name of Brendon Urie, "Get fucked." Also, I ca spit fire like angry me and ima motherfucking dragon, my words have ruined friendships, no joke, so don't make me angry, or say any other dumbass bullshit that would beg for you to have your ass verbally beat.

I'm also sorry because I'm not going to proof read the entire chapter after I write it, I'll check the sentence and maybe the paragraph to make sure that it makes enough sense for me to understand(you probably still won't but as you can probably tell idgaf). Feel free to comment typos or if something doesn't make sense(especially if you know me and think you know what I mean, write it in sane words so that others can understand) I probably won't go back and change it, but it'll be there.

Also a warning, I say things differently sometimes, so a random a at the end of a word could be normal, like I've taken to telling my friends, "yalls is crazy" me and my sister all the time add random syllables to words, like, "did you puteded the dirty disheses in the washer for the disheses?" It makes sense to us, other people sometimes not so much, but it's our thing and we don't give as I also say, "not even the equivalent of half a fuck." I also say things weird, like if you can sound it out, I'll say escited instead of excited or 'sploded instead of exploded(that I think about it, I just omit a syllable, or change it) I felt the been to include that, because my brother was coming home from college knce, and I was texting him and I said escited instead if excited and he was REALLY confused, so there's a warning.

I don't know how relevant this stuff will be later in in this book, because as I said, my style changes, but for now it is relevant.

Also I can tend to have a dirty mind, and I don't want you guys to be creeped out later on, so this is your warning, you've been warned, it's right here in black and white, that I can have a dirty mind, I honestly find the "needs holy water" " rapidly throws holy water" "you need a holy ocean" comments they're just really funny, and I live comments along those lines, just don't be a prude about it, don't be that person that comments "keep it pg" "imma go try to get my innocence back"(actually that ones kinda funny) "don't be inappropriate" "this isn't cool" "no one likes this" I like this and if you don't either deal with it a stfu or leave so that those of us who do find it funny can enjoy it in peace.

While in the topic of comments, do yourself a favor and every now and then pause to read them, they're actually funny sometimes.

I was trying to get an even number, and then I ended up going over 1,000, so I said fuck it and added more and now I'm trying to get to a number hat ends in zero, so don't mind me over here typing randomly.

While I have you, I made changes to the first two chapters, comment if you're notified.

Did it.

Be proud

Be proud

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