Chapter 1

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Green's POV:

It was an early Saturday morning in Pallet Town, and I have just woken up. "Good morning, Eevee!" I greeted as I stretched my arms. Eevee hopped up in the air and nipped at my hand. I looked at my calendar and noticed that the date was August 8, Red's birthday. Hm, Red is 18 now, I wonder how he's been. I replayed every past birthday we have celebrated together and how much fun they had been. I felt guilty for not realizing sooner to visit him last night. Red and I had a falling out when we had just started our journeys. I was really childish back then. I was way too competitive and ruined our friendship. Red hasn't been as trusting as he used to be with me, and I regret it more than anything. I need to visit Red, I don't want him to be alone on his special day! I got up and packed up my old backpack, the one I used during my first adventure. Just looking at it brought back so much nostalgia, I took that thing everywhere. Since Red is on that damn mountain, I need to pack my warm clothes. The last time I visited him, he was only wearing a sleeveless jacket. I swear the man has gone berserk ever since he became the champion. After I had packed everything that I needed, I gathered my Pokémon and headed down the stairs. I picked up an apple to eat and glanced over to the couch. Daisy was asleep on her boyfriend, Bill. She had her head in his lap. I couldn't help but think how cute it is. Wait, no it's not! That's my sister! He shouldn't even stay the night with her! I quickly ran outside in order to stop myself from fighting him, Daisy would just yell at me. I went to the local bakery in Pallet Town to buy a cake for Red, he's always had a sweet tooth. Eevee and I then headed off to Mt. Silver, to visit my dear friend Red.

     I was just about to reach the cave entrance when I found myself nervous. I've known Red most of my life, why is my chest closing up? I entered the cave to not see Red. This is perfect! I can surprise him when he returns! I put my stuff down and sat down where Red had his fire pit. I looked around and found a book, filled with Red's handwriting.

February 27, 1996
Today is the first day of my Pokémon adventure! Professor Oak is going to give me my first partner! I really want to pick the fire type, Charmander. I really hope Green doesn't pick it, Green hasn't been very nice to me for the past few months.

I placed the book down, taking in what Red wrote about me. A pang of guilt struck my heart. This is Red's diary! I can't read this! If he finds out that I have this, he will hate me even more! But I had to know what else he thought about me. I picked up the book and continued to read.

Ever since we've began preparing for our journeys, Green hasn't been the same. He won't talk to me, hang out with me, or even look at me. This hurts me a lot. Green has been my best friend ever since I was five. Mom has noticed that I have been upset and is trying the best she can to make me feel better, so she got me this diary to write in. At least I still have her, I love my mom with all my heart.

So I got my first Pokémon! I actually got the Charmander! Green let me choose first, so that he can pick the Pokémon strongest against mine. He's determined to beat me at everything! This means that I have to become the champion! Right after I received Charmander, he immediately challenged me to a battle. I, of course, lost. It was my first time battling with a Pokémon. Green has more experience since his grandfather is Professor Oak. He ran off and said, "smell ya later!" Does that mean I stink? I guess I need to shower more. Professor Oak asked me to run the Pokemart to retrieve his parcel, so I'm off to do that now. I walked through Route 1 and battled as many wild Pokémon that I could. I went to the mart and got the parcel. It is dark, so I'm going to camp in the forest for the night to rest.

I finished the first page in shock. I couldn't believe that I effected him that much. I felt like I was gonna throw up. I looked at my watch and noticed only five minutes had passed. I guess I could read some more. The cave is quiet, I will hear Red when he returns.

February 28, 1996
I woke up late, at around noon. I packed up my camp and headed back through Route 1, battling any Pokémon that I encountered. It took me a few hours to get to lab. Hopefully Professor Oak won't be too upset. I went into the lab to give Oak his parcel, he then babbled on about how important it is until Green interrupted him. He came in asking what Oak wanted. I noticed that Green was wearing the pendant that I gave him for his birthday a few years ago, he wasn't wearing it yesterday.

I stopped reading to grab the same pendant. I still wear it to this day, I treasure it more than anything. I put it on that day to have something to remember my best friend by. I remember feeling guilty about being so mean to him, he honestly deserves a better friend, I'm glad that he forgave me. It was also the day I started to like him, well, like like him. But I couldn't let him know, so I continued to be a jerk.

Oak gave the both of us our very own Pokedex! He even said that we were the first to even get one. He wants us to complete the Pokedex by catching and collecting data from Pokémon. I was super excited, until Green said that I was unneeded and then proceeded to say he was gonna a map from Daisy and to tell her to not give me one. I was gonna ask her anyway, Daisy loves me. I got a map from Daisy, and headed back to Route 1 to train some more. It was nightfall, so I found a tree to camp at.

February 29, 1996
I made it Viridian City, the same city that I got the parcel from. I wandered around the city to talk to as many people I could. I discovered that there was a gym in this city! I followed my map and reached the gym. It looked very worn down, and a local told me that the strongest gym leader ran that gym. I knew that there was no way I could defeat him, so I headed towards Route 22. On my way, I ran into Green! He challenged me to a battle, and I won! I couldn't believe it! And neither could he, he made up some lame excuse and ran off. I watched him run away, and felt sad. When we were really young, we planned on traveling together. Ever since I told him I wanted to become champion, he told me he had the same goal. That's when we truly began fighting. Sometimes I regret telling him that, but he was my best friend, I told him everything. Now I guess we're rivals. But I sure do miss him. I followed the path and reached the Pokémon League. I was told I couldn't enter since I didn't have any badges, so I left.

March 1, 1996
I reached Viridian City, once again, and made my way to Viridian Forest. The forest is huge! I don't know how I will reach the end, but I guess I could train my Charmander. During my battle with a Weedle, I noticed a Pikachu watching. I took out my Pokedex and discovered that it is an electric type. He would make a great addition to my team.
I successfully caught him, and proceeded to train him as well.

March 7, 1996
It took me a whole week to get out of that forest! I also had to get through the end of Route 2, which took me a few hours, and I eventually made it to Pewter City. I was glad that my Pokémon grew stronger. I heard from an old man in the Pokémon Center that the gym leader, Brock, used rock type Pokémon. Charmander and Pikachu will need to train even more in order to defeat him, so I guess tomorrow I'll go back to Route 2 to train.

March 9, 1996
I trained my two Pokémon and Charmander learned metal claw. Metal claw is a steel type Pokémon, which is strong against rock. I now have a better chance to defeat Brock!

I walked through the doors of the gym and was amazed. The whole building was rock themed. I battled the trainers in the gym and took them out. Charmander learning that move really saved me. I went to heal my Pokémon and went back to the gym. I noticed a Rhydon statue at the entrance and saw that it had a list of names of people who have defeated Brock. I saw that Green's name was the last on there. That meant he is ahead of me. This encouraged me even more to do my best and win. I battled Brock and barely won. He was tough! He gave me the Boulder Badge and a TM. It was dark so I decided to treat myself and rent a room at the Pokémon Center since I won my gym battle.

I closed the book immediately because I heard footsteps. He's finally here! I put the book back where I found it and stood, waiting for Red. He came around the corner with his Pikachu, and stood frozen. "Green?" He asked, confused. "Surprise! Happy Birthday!"

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