Chapter 5

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     Red wasn't as sick as he was in the morning. All he had was a small cough and a runny nose. He no longer had a fever and wasn't incredibly drowsy. I wonder how he got better so soon. Red's diary has given me confidence to ask him to come down from this mountain. I want to tell him about my feelings. I'm still nervous, even though I already know he likes me. I can't let him know that I read his diary. "Hey Red, will you come back to Pallet Town?" I asked. Red looked at me with a blank stare. All he did was shrug. "Please, I miss seeing you everyday, like when we were kids. Plus your mom asks about you every time I see her. You should really go home sometime." Red didn't say anything for a couple of seconds. He was looking down at the ground, thinking. "Maybe." He replied quietly. "What if you get sick again? I can't stay up here all the time. What if something bad happens to you?" I added. "I've been on this mountain for years Green, nothing bad will happen." He stated. "Are you not lonely up here? You asked me not to go home the other day." I added again. Red turned to look at me, he had a frown on his face. "I am lonely, and I really enjoy your company here, but I can't leave. I can't handle the media surrounding me." He said. He was clearly upset, but I really want him to come down. "The media won't bother you, I won't let them!" I exclaimed. "I don't know how I could face everyone though, I don't want them to yell at me." He said while sitting down. "Red, I have to tell you something." I said as I sat down next to him. I grabbed his hand, and Red's face turned pink. "Remember when I apologized to you a few years ago? There's more to it. I was cruel to you because I was confused. I've loved you for a long time, and I didn't want to look pathetic." Red's eyes opened wide, like he was in shock. "I was depressed the entire time I was traveling through Kanto. I hated that I was so mean to you, because you are very special to me. I'm still somewhat depressed that I don't get to spend time with you everyday, I miss you all the time. Please get off this mountain and stay with me. I know I don't deserve it, I'm actually a selfish prick, but it would mean the world to me if I could take you out some time."

I can't believe I said all that! When I was done, it felt like a hundred pounds was lifted from my shoulders. I couldn't keep those feelings from him anymore. "Green, I-I don't know what to say, do you really feel that way?" Red asked. He had a sparkle in his eyes. "Of course I do, I love you a lot." I explained. Red pulled me into a hug and stayed silent for a few seconds. "I'll come down, I'd love to stay with you, Green." I hugged Red back once he said those words. It was great to hear Red say that.

Red and I spent the next few days packing up his belongings to return to Pallet Town. We left the dark, empty cave early the next morning and flew to Red's childhood home. His mom will be so excited to see him. She always asks me about him. I wonder why he never sent her a letter or something. Before we went to his house, we went to mine and Daisy's. Daisy nearly cried when she saw him. Daisy is now 23 and works at the lab with Gramps. She has basically been an older sister to Red when we were small children. While Red took a shower upstairs, I told Daisy what happened. "You told him that you loved him!? Finally! I'm so proud of you, Green!" She said, hugging me. "I got him down by saying that. This is going to make a lot of people happy." I said as I walked into the living room. Red came down a few minutes later. "Are you ready to see your mom, Red?" I asked. Red nodded his head and walked towards the front door. When we got to Red's front porch, he stopped. "I'm nervous. I don't know if I can do this." He explained. "You can do this! Don't be nervous, you've got me by your side, she will be too happy that you're home to yell at you. I don't even think she would even scold you, she's the nicest person in the world!" I exclaimed, trying to encourage him. "You're right, I can do this." He said as he took my hand. Red knocked on the door, and we waited for his mom to answer. She opened the door, and looked at us in disbelief. "Red? Is that you?" She asked quietly. Tears were starting to fall from her eyes. "Yeah, it's me, Mom." He answered. Tears were now forming in his eyes. Red let go of my hand to hug his mother. This family reunion was even starting to make me cry. After they did their greeting, Red's mom had us come inside to eat cookies and catch up. "Thank you for bringing him back Green, I owe you for this." She thanked. "Oh no Ms. Fire, you don't have to owe me anything, I wanted him back also." I explained.

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