Chapter 4

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     Red woke me up at around seven in the morning coughing. He got out of his sleeping bag, but collapsed on the floor. "Red!" I yelled as I ran to get him. "Are you okay?" Red didn't answer me at first. "Ye-yeah." He said, almost inaudible. He continued to keep coughing. He looked like hell. His skin was paler than usual, bags under his eyes, and his nose was bright red. "Red, you have a fever! You need to lay down." I explained after I felt his forehead. I picked him up and got him in his sleeping bag. "I'm..I'm cold." He muttered. I decided to prop him up against me and I wrapped my arms around him. I liked how we were, I know it sucks that Red has a bad cold, but I liked it. I want to always protect him. I soon fell asleep with Red in my arms.

     Red eventually woke up wanting something to eat. I got up to go to Red's pantry. He had a single can of soup, I guess this will do. I found a pot and lit the fire pit. I glanced over at the diary. I can't read that now! Red needs me! I made him his soup and handed it to him. He slowly ate it, and declared that he was tired and went back to sleep. I wonder where his Pokémon went. I went outside to find them. They were all basically just hanging out on top of the mountain. Red's Pikachu came running towards me. "Hi Pikachu, Red is sick. I need you to come with me." Pikachu followed me as I led him back to the cave. He scurried over to Red and crawled into his lap. Hopefully Pikachu's sympathy will help. Poor Red. Being sick sucks. I was going to go home today, but I can't now. What if Red gets worse?! I would feel horrible for leaving him. The gym will have to wait.

     Red basically slept the whole day. I laid down next to him and cradled him. He shook most of the time. I really hope that he will be okay. I fell asleep for about four hours and was wide awake at three in the morning. I got out of my sleeping bag and went over to the fire pit. I want to read more of the diary.

June 30, 1996
I finally did it. I became the Pokémon champion of Kanto. I'm still in shock. First, I took on Lorelei, she used water and ice types. She put up a good fight. Second, I battled Bruno. He used fighting types and I didn't have any Pokémon that were super effective against him, so he was even harder to battle. Third, I battled Agatha. She was the hardest for me to battle. Her ghost types were hardcore. And then I battled Lance, the dragon master. All of them were incredibly hard. Like, way harder than the gym leaders. When I got to the champion, I couldn't believe who it was. It was Green! My rival and childhood best friend! He beat the Elite 4 before I could. Green looked incredibly attractive in that room, he was the best trainer in all of Kanto. My knees felt weak when he talked to me. I battled him, and won. I was stoked! But when I saw Green's face, I was crushed. Green didn't even say anything to me. After I won, Professor Oak came in to congratulate Green for becoming champion. When he found out that have already beaten him, he then scolded him. Green started to cry. I felt bad for him. Green then went on a rant about how it wasn't fair that he was only champion for a few minutes, that I cheated, and he eventually said that he hated me. I felt horrible. Green hasn't said anything to me yet. After I won, I went home for only two days, and then came to Mt. Silver.

July 3, 1997
I haven't written in this diary in over a year. Nothing special has happened. I'm now 13 and still the champion. Trainers have traveled here to challenge me, but they couldn't beat me. I'm the best! I've been thinking a lot about Green lately. I still haven't seen him since that day. I miss him tons. I remember when we were kids and did everything together. We would fish on the sea side of Pallet Town. I wanna see him again, but he hates me. All I have is a picture us.

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