Chapter 2

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     "What are you doing here?" Red asked as he set down a bag in the corner of the cave. "It's your birthday, duh. I can't let you spend it by yourself." I explained as I sat up. "Well, I have all of my Pokémon with me, so I'm not really alone." He explained as he nuzzled his Pikachu. "That doesn't count, I meant that you need some human friends with you. Oh! I got you something!" I exclaimed as I walked over to my backpack. Red looked curiously at me, trying to figure out what was in the box that I picked up. "It's a cake! I got you chocolate, since it's your favorite." I explained as I opened the box to show him. I noticed Red's eyes light up. That gave me a huge feeling of happiness. My crush on Red hasn't gone away ever since we started our journeys; even when I hated him and when he took the champion title from me. Seeing him happy made me smile. Red reached for the cake and set it down on the table. He then walked back towards me and hugged me. "Thanks so much, Green. This means a lot to me." He said.

Red and I celebrated his birthday for the rest of the day and played games and caught up. It was the first time that I have seen him in two months, so there wasn't a ton of news. Red has just fallen asleep, but I can't sleep. I need to read more in that diary. I got out of my sleeping bag and walked over to the firepit and picked up the book.

March 10, 1996
Now that I have the Boulder badge, I need to go to the next city to get my second badge. My map says that I need to get through Route 3, Mt. Moon, and then Route 4. That's a long way to go! I wonder if Green has already been through. I'm always behind him. I guess I better get ready to leave.

Route 3 has a ton of trainers on it. I'm only half way through. I'm gonna stop for the night to rest up. My Pokémon seem exhausted.

March 11, 1996
I finally made it out of Route 3. We trained so much that Charmander evolved into Charmeleon! Pokémon evolution is amazing! Tomorrow, I am gonna start to get through Mt. Moon. It's gonna take me a long time to get through it. That's okay though, I can train my Pokémon to be even stronger! Right now I'm in the lobby of the Pokémon Center right outside of Mt. Moon. I'm really excited to start!

March 14, 1996
I'm still in this cave. I keep going in circles and getting attacked by crazy Zubats! There are a couple of trainers in the cave, they said something about some weird team in the cave. I hope I don't run into them.

March 17, 1996
So I'm still in this cave, but I did run into the weird team. They call themselves Team Rocket and are looking for fossils and moon stones. I don't see any harm in that, but there could be something more to it. I didn't see Green in the cave, so I'm assuming he's way ahead of me now. He could even have his third gym badge now! I need to hussle!

March 20, 1996
I'm finally out of the cave! It took me days to get out. Right now I'm at the exit. It's dark so I'm going to rest here for the night. In the cave, I ran into some maniac and battled him for one of his fossils. I got the Dome fossil. I don't know what I am going to do with it, but I'll figure something out. I battled more Rocket grunts also.

March 22, 1996
I just reached Cerulean City. It took me 2 days to get through Route 4 due to the trainers and the tall grass. I met two karate masters and trained with them. I walked around the city and discovered that the gym leader, Misty, is a water type trainer. This will be easy! Pikachu is perfect for this battle! Charmeleon isn't a good choice, so he will sit out. I'm going to challenge the gym sometime this week. A local told me to visit some dude named Bill on Route 25. Apparently he's an inventor and a genius. I'll visit him tomorrow.

March 23, 1996
I can't believe what happened. I get to the north part of Cerulean City and before I could get on Nugget Bridge, Green runs towards me. He was still wearing the pendant. He tells me that he got a boat ticket from Bill and that he got the Cascade badge. After he rubs his success in my face, he challenges me! After I battled him, he gave me a fame checker because he feels sorry for me. What a jerk. But anyway, it took me the rest of the day to travel to Bill's house and I'm still here. He gave me a ticket and offered to let me stay the night. He taught me a lot about Eevee. Green had one as a kid.

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