Chapter 3

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     I woke up groggy the next morning. I rolled over to see Red still laying down asleep. How is he comfortable? Sleeping in a cave sucks. I got out of my sleeping back and walked towards him. He was sleeping peacefully. His hair was falling in all directions, and his Pikachu was snuggling into his side. It was a really cute sight. I walked over to where the fire pit was and looked at the diary. I'm not gonna read it right now, Red could wake up any second. It really got me thinking about when I was on my journey. I wasn't the same. I was like an awakening, but I didn't know it yet. After Red beat me as champion, I moped around for months. I was crushed, but Daisy knocked some sense into me. I told her how I felt about Red. She's the only one that knows. I felt so guilty for being mean, that I decided to become gym leader. It made me happy again, I was no longer depressed. Red changed alot also. He stopped talking for awhile. He even went missing for a few months. His mom told me that a kid from Johto beat him and he went through a crisis. I felt bad for him and found him right away. I basically told him everything will be fine and comforted him the best that I could. That's how we became friends again. I really miss my childhood. I would restart it in a heartbeat. I regret not telling Red that I loved him. I wish my ego wasn't such a big deal back then. I regret a lot of things.

Red woke up after and hour of me being up. "Good morning." I greeted. Red stretched and got out of his sleeping bag. "Morning." He replied. "What are you gonna do today?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders and reached for some apples. He offered me one and I happily accepted, I was starving. Red released all of his Pokémon to feed them. "I need to bathe Snorlax. You wanna help?" He asked. "Sure." I replied. Red's Snorlax was filthy. I didn't mind helping him, I owe Red a lot. We finished cleaning Snorlax and sat down to eat lunch. It took forever to do it since he's massive. Red and I spent the rest of the day decorating the cave floors with cartoons. Red had some chalk and wanted to draw and the floor. It really brought the cave to life. It was dark when we finished. "Alright Red, I need to go back now." I started. "What, why?" He asked. "Well I've already been here for a day. I'm sure that you need your privacy." I answered. "Please don't go." Red begged. "Do you really want me to stay?" I asked. My heart started racing. He wanted to me to stay with him! "I like having you here." Red said quietly. "Alright, I'll stay a bit longer." I smiled. I was glad to know that Red wanted me to stay. I would stay forever if I could.

It was time to go to bed. Red was exhausted as always. The boy has always gone to bed early. I've always been a night Noctowl. I guess I'll read some more of his diary.

May 2, 1996
I'm back in Lavender Town. I went through Route 8 to see of Saffron City was opened. The guard stopped me and wanted the tea in my backpack. It freaked me out to be honest. How did the guard see the tea? And why did he want it? So I went through there to go to Route 5 to go to Cerulean City and get a bike. I went back to Saffron and cut through Route 7 to get to Lavender Town. The town is still gloomy. It's like there's a dark cloud over it at all times. I'm going into the tower tomorrow, right now I'm tired.

May 3, 1996
Today was crazy. Before I went into the tower, I heard that some old guy in the town was missing. I also bought some flowers for Green's Raticate; I wanted to show that I'm sorry.

Damn, that hit me hard. I had no idea that Red cared for me that much. I wish I had known. This must have traumatized him somewhat. Red is such a sweetheart.

After I placed the flowers on the grave, I went up the stairs to get back to the thing that was blocking my path. I put on my Silph Scope and saw all types of deceased Pokémon and ghost types. It was really depressing. I got to the top and noticed it was a Marowak that was blocking the path. I had Charizard battle it and knocked it out. When I got to the top, Team Rocket was up there! I should have known, of course it's them! I took out all of their grunts and rescued some old dude. He took me to his house and told me his name is Mr. Fuji. He gave me a PokeFlute and said it wakes sleeping Pokémon. I'll use that on that Snorlax tomorrow.

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