9:07 a.m.

129 7 0

"long time, no see little sis."

"hey. sorry i've been gone so much. it's just-"

"no need to explain. i get it. you guys have been dating for awhile now."

sammi stared at her brother, knowing what he wanted to ask her.

"just ask so we can get the awkward moment done and over with."

"did you guys have sex? because i think it's time that i have a talk with him since you guys are actually serious."

"yes. we had sex but we also love each other."

"yup it's about time i give him the brother talk."

"don't brothers usually do that before the girl and the guy date?"

"well yeah but you dumbasses had to go and talk to each other over the phone for about like six months or something and then boom. the day after you guys meet in person, you're together."

"well not every love story has to start with the two people knowing each other for years."

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