Chapter 2

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Location: Mumbai
Arjun was trying many shirts today becoz he wanted to look his best today after all today he was going to meet his ladylove.

Sam:Arjun even I don’t take so much time to get ready. I wonder u were a girl in your previous birth.

Arjun:bad joke I want to look my best today plz don’t tease me Sam and Neil plz handle your wife.

Neil:”why are you taking me in between and you were one who asked her help now bear your consequences of inviting trouble.”

he burst out laughing. Sam gave him a angry stare and turned to arjun,"you know she loves you for the your golden heart not for your looks so get ready fast,we don’t have full day.”

Arjun:thanks for reminding and I know no girl can resist my charm.

Guyzz now arjun,sam and Neil were good friends but still they missed that important part of their life which was obliviously radhika and today they were determined to bring her back but they didn’t knew what they will have to face in rishikesh.I am sorry but aradhika will meet in next part..promise.

(A\N Till Dead Do Us Apart is the story of Arjun who is madly in love with Radhika and can go to any extent for her. this is the story of Radhika who not only love Arjun but also considers him a god in human form. this is the story of Aditya who loves Radhika but wants her happiness and can do anything to bring a smile on her face.)

Location:Mishra house

Dilip,”Where is choti mala?”

Mala,”She must be in temple with adi.”

Dilip,”Mala,I think adi is perfect for our choti...He loves her a lot and he will keep her happy....I am sure. "

Mala,” But what about Radhika?!....She only loves Arjun....She will never fall for anyone now."

Dilip was going to give it back but they both heard the doorbell.
Mala opened the door and was hell shocked but at the same time she was very happy.

So guyzz guess who is it of course it is our angry young man Arjun.

Mala,” Son, I always knew you will come back for her."

Dilip,”What are you doing here now ?”

Arjun,”I am here to claim what is mine.”

Dilip,”Radhika gave divorce which u needed to marry that sam,now what else do you want from her.”

Mala,”I think we can sit and talk plz.”

Dilip,”There is left to talk now and my radhika does not need this dual face in her life.”

Arjun was trying to be calm for radhika and he replied if you are talking about the divorce papers then let me tell u I have teared them into pieces and Sam is married to Neil now. Tere nothing between me and Sam now.”

Dilip,”you don’t deserve choti and I will see to it that you don’t get her back because only thing you could do is hurt her.”

He walked away from there.
Mala kept her hand on arjun’s shoulder.
Arjun,” Mom have I messed up so much that its impossible to rectify now?!"

Mala," Yes Son....But you love Radhika as much as she loves you."

Arjun,”Can papa forgive me for my deeds because this time when I marry my Radhika. I need everyone’s blessings.”

Mala,” Its really difficult to convince Dilip."

Arjun,”if I have you with me than I will try my best to change opinion about him.”

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