Blue shadow

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I saw a blue shadow like behined Harry everytime copying his moves on the house wall but sometimes with objects with the blue shadow which follows us in the haunted house.

" Harry ? I don't know why I'm seeing a blue shadow that is following us around don't you get scared of what I'm seeing ? "

" A blue shadow that following us around the house ? No I haven't seen it here "

" Harry there is the blue shadow behined you again that copys your moves . It's right behined you "

" wait there's nobody else is in the house cause we're Linked in."

" Saba it's just in your imagination. And there is only me in the dark "

I saw the blue shadow following Harry again and took an sharp objet with and the blue shadow  said " Once your locked in the old house you can never leave the house "

I screamed and said  "we have to hide somewhere somehow that the blue shadow won't fined us "

I ran upstairs and waited for Harry to come upstairs so we can hide from the shadow . I waited for Harry to come  cause I wanted him to be safe . I see the blue shadow again and said " Harry get downstairs the shadow is upstairs ".

The blue shadow  grew and grew it can so big that the house was lighed  up bright. Blue shadow yelled and said " Nobody leaves the old house the old house is mine ".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2017 ⏰

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