Day 1- Meet Lady Jane and King Vhanault

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1967, London

"Miss! Please wait Miss!!" A young boy with a hat on his head shouted, running after a lady who had just got out of the shop.

The young lady still didn't stop walking, so the boy ran, when he reached her he was panting, holding his knees he wheezed " L-lady *pant* yo-you f-for *pant* got y-your pa-parasol!"

The lady turned to him and saw him holding her purple parasol, the boy handed her the parasol while the lady bowed her head in thanks, "why thank you, I have already forgotten about my parasol, well.... silly old me!" The young lady said knocking her head.

As she left, the boy still stayed, thinking if there was ever such a lady that would act like that. He shaked his head and went back to his father's shop.

~Lady Jane~

I was walking in the streets of London when a carriage stopped beside me. The person got out of the carriage and I saw that it was Vhanault's messanger, John - he was in his mid 30's.

"Madam, the king wants you to return to the old mansion" John said.

"Hmmm.. well then tell your King that I am still having my afternoon walk, He knows how important that is to me." I said trying to trick him to go back to Vhanault.

"Ohh? But madam, King Vhanault said to fetch you without any hesitation, he said he knows that you would say something ridiculous which is why he will come personaly instead, he will shortly arrive in- " he stopped to check his watch and said " Oh! He's here!"

And just like he said another carriage arrived and Vhanault went out of the carriage.


"Well... Lady Jane, you do know, you have to act like a lady, so if you please, may you follow me to my carriage" he said, well...more like demanded.

As I got in the carriage, I immediately asked him " So why do I have to get back in the mansion this fast?".

"That is because grandfather is going to visit us" He said.

"GRANDFATHER!?" I screamed.

"..." he didn't answer instead he just looked out the carriage.

As the carriage stopped I quickly opened the door and ran inside, I accidentaly lost my balance and fell on the floor, but I didn't give up, instead I stood up and dusted off my dress.

"My, my, Jane.... you're a lady, please don't run inside like that..." I know that voice!  I looked at my left and shouted "Grandfather!" I ran to him and hugged him.

"Oh! How I've missed you my dear grand daughter!" He smiled his wrinkles were showing.

As we chatted I felt an arm snake around me, I looked up to see Vhanault, and glared at him. I removed his hand and excused my self as both grandfather and Vhanault talk.

"Oh! Wait dear!" Grandfather said.

"What is it grandfather?".

"Will you please find my missionary book in one of the drawers in my office?" He asked.

"Yes, grandfather" I curtsied and went upstairs.

As I opened the drawer, I found the missionary book amd held it but as I carried it something fell, I looked down and got a piece of letter.

I went downstairs and showed it to granfather.

"Oh! Jane you could just throw that out! I can't attend meetings anymore, so you could do anything you want with that!" He said.

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