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So, tomorrow (more like today cuz its currently 2:38 am) I'm supposed to be getting a call about seeing a counselor outside of school in order to go back to school like I said in the last chapter. Now, that is a thing. Am I nervous to answer the phone because nobody else will be home to answer the phone except me? Yes, very nervous. Why? It's a counseling office and I'm afraid thier gonna ask questions and I'm really bad at talking about things. Anyways, that's a thing that can mean me being able to go back with my normal everyday life of waking up at 5:30 in the morning to go to school and getting home at about 5:00 in the afternoon (I swear if anyone references 9 In The Afternoon by Panic! At The Disco I will you), OR, I can be home schooled, online, with children who are there because of the same reason I would be, which is bullying, and I would be able to be 1 on 1, video chatting my teacher, I would never have to change out of my pajamas, and I would never have to leave my house. I would also be able to wake up at at least 9 to..... get education..? So, it would be a lot better than normal school. I mean yeah they sometimes have group outings where we all meet somewhere and stuff, but that sounds fun! Anyways, I'll stop rambling about my life and go to bed. Good night!
Stay educated,

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