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The drive home was not as awkward as I imagined it would be, after the scene that had unfolded on the small cottage. I cried my heart out in front of someone I never really expected. I cried for almost two hours, stopping to breathe and stare quietly at the floor yet Jasper had not made a move to push me away, to make me stop. He just let me cry, his arms never wavered nor loosened their grip around me. And for some insane reason, it was as if I never wanted him to let go. Like at that moment, I finally allowed myself to break apart and the only thing that kept me together was his arms, and it would be the only thing that would keep me together.

He was driving now. My pouring of my emotions a while ago made him think I was unfit to drive. He was probably right, my hands had not stopped shaking, even when we drove into the familiar streets of our neighborhood.

"I'm actually concerned about how silent you are, blondie," he starts as we turn left to another street instead of turning right to where my house was. Yet somehow, my alarms did not go off. I could feel his eyes on me but I couldn't turn to look at him. Not out of embarassment but of denial. I had been wrong about him and it made me feel bad. Guilty even. For how I treated him. I let out a heavy breath, my mind still spinning from all the things that had been happening lately. He pulls the car into an unfamiliar driveway. From where we parked, I could make out the small park our town had built for the sake of it. It had a narrow white bridge that lead to Kaye, a small cafe owned by the family that owned the lot. I finally turn to him as he leans back on the car seat, running his fingers through his hair then down his face.

"Your eyes are still puffy from all the dramatics you did earlier," he says, unfastening his seatbelt. He steps out of the car, oblivious to my scowl as I hurriedly unfasten my seatbelt and step out only to waver for a moment. He was already walkinh towards the bridge when he glanced back at me, his eyebrow raised.

"What? Afraid to be seen with me?" The corner of his lips turn just a little, making him look like the devil I remembered him to be. I roll my eyes yet despite it all, I was afraid. Well, maybe not afraid but something. I glance at my reflection on the side mirrors and stare at myself in horror. I looked absolutely dreadful! Even I had a reputation. I hastily fish out my sunglasses from the car compartment and a beanie I had in the backseat. I followed Jasper across the bridge.

The cafe was small but well lit and...almost empty. I peek at the inside from the glass windows, there were roughly three other people inside. I have never been to this cafe, mainly because it was out of the way to my house and it always seemed too elegant from afar. Yet, a closer look at it now, it doesn't seem daunting. It just feels...warm.


I almost run into him. I didn't even notice him standing there. Had I been staring too long? I tug on my beanie, pulling it lower down my head. Jasper chuckles softly, before pushing the door open in front of me.

"If you are trying to be inconspicuous," he points at me, "you are doing a horrible job at it." I scowl in response, following him inside. Miniature chandeliers hung on the ceiling and there was even a fireplace, near what I assumed to be was the counter. I was probably gaping, why had I not been to this cafe before? Hadn't Jasmine told me we should come here? I feel a slight twist in my gut, remembering her and look away from the warmth of the fire that seemed to burn as bright as her hair. I follow Jasper to a corner table way at the back but it still had a clear view outside. It was already getting dark and the park was starting to light itself up. I noticed the lights dangling from one lamp post to another making it seem like the park was littered with organized fireflies. I feel a small tug on my arm and glance down to have Jasper staring at me his hand covering, what I would think, was an amused grin. I roll my eyes at him and take a seat across him, making sure to put a good distance between us. Even though I was sure no one who knew us would come waltzing through here.

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