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We look through the case files until it was well into the afternoon. Jasper had only stood up to get us soda's before plunging into the research again. It was around 4 in the afternoon when he started picking the files up and keeping them.

"My uncle will be home soon," he says, and I understood. His uncle would not like it if he saw us looking at files from another precinct. I still didn't know how Jasper's friend got a hold of these files even though the murder happened somewhere else. Not in this town.

"We can continue at my place," I say it before I can think better of it knowing my parents won't be home until late in the afternoon, tomorrow.

"I mean, if you want to," I shrug, already feeling the magnetic pull I had towards him despite everything. Well, we were not going to do anything. I think. Just focus on our research and solve a murder by understanding a killer.

"Sure," he says and picks up the stacks of files and paper before he starts heading out. A part of me felt a little disappointed by his response but I should understand what I was thinking about may be so far from his mind right now. I pick up the remaining papers and follow him out.

When we get to my house I go and make coffee, thinking it would be needed later. I wait for the coffee to be ready as Jasper takes off the jacket, he had put on earlier and sat down on the floor near the sofa, like he had at his place. I pour coffee into the mugs before taking them out.

"What do you want for dinner? I thought we could just order delivery and all," he says, his eyes finally meeting mine. I shrug in response, not really knowing what to say. I didn't feel comfortable around my own home. I didn't know if I felt okay with Jasper being here or not. There were a lot of things I didn't understand and some of it I don't think I'll ever find out the answers. I hear Jasper sigh as I sit down on the sofa. He takes out his phone and orders pizza, the easiest and most convenient thing we can order. I take out another file and find out it was a map. The place where Rosemary was abducted was not that far from where her body was found.

Jasper takes the map from me and starts making marks. I watch him until I realize what the marks meant. They were places he had probably found the flowers. I understand and stand. He looks up at me as I start looking for a map of my own before I realize that most of the flowers that I found got delivered to my doorstep. I sigh, before placing my own map on the table and place a big mark on my home.

"The flowers were delivered to our doorstep as well," he starts when he somehow realizes I was staring at the map too long. "The marks are places where the flowers that were delivered were being grown or cultivated."

"Like greenhouses?" I ask and he nods. "You still remember all of them?"

"I remember everything," he says, and I remain quiet. There was something different about him right now and it was probably because we were visiting a past, he could not forget but would rather didn't happen at all.

The pizza arrived an hour later which was enough time for me to realize I was hungry. I get up to open the door and was surprised that the delivery guy was carrying not only a pizza but cans of beer as well. I take the pizza and pay for it before staring at the beer cans he was also handing over.

"We didn't order beer," I say, wondering if Jasper had but he should have told me before he went to the bathroom.

"It is part of our promo miss," he says with a smile.

"Ah," I take the cans away from him and give him a little tip before kicking the door close. Jasper emerges from the bathroom and his hands fall on the cans of beer. He raises an eyebrow, a shadow of a smile on his face.

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