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The house was empty. Quiet. Unnerving. I could hear my own heartbeat. Feel every pulse. I didn't what I was doing but something inside me kept telling me to go on. The answer was here. In this house. I wanted to cry, but the fear of getting caught by whoever had Jasper and Jasmine was stronger so I crept quietly through the house, trying to navigate with only the soft light from the windows and my distant memory of when I was here.

I walk around and grab what I can on one of the shelves. It was an antique pot as Nathan's mom loved collecting these. I would just have to pay for it if I do end up using it. I stop halfway towards the living room, noticing the faint light coming from it. Someone was here! Was it Nathan? Jasper? The Killer? I strain to hear but my ears catch nothing. I walk over to it slowly and almost jump when my phone vibrates.

I freeze in place hoping whoever was in the living room didn't hear the noise my sudden movement made. I fish out my phone, making sure the light was blocked and see Nathan's name flashing through the screen. I hesitate in answering it thinking what if he was the killer and this was a trap. What if he already knew I was in the house? I reject the call and breathe out quietly. Before I could take another step, my phone vibrates again and it was a message from Jasper. I open it and my blood runs cold.

You should be more careful.

My eyes go wide before hands grab me from behind and pull me backward. I struggle with the hand over my mouth and drop the pot on the ground. My ears fill with the sound of glass breaking and I try to fight harder against the hands but they were too strong.

"Shhh, Pat, it's me," Nathan's voice enters my ears and I stop struggling. "Be quiet or someone else will hear you." He lets me go and I turn to face him. He was looking at me, a worried look on his face. I notice the bruise on his left cheek but before I could ask him what happened a sudden noise from the living room got both of us jumping. He grabs my hand and gestures me to be quiet before dragging me off towards the room away from the living room.

He closes the door quietly behind us as I try to look for a weapon. My hands go towards a desk lamp. When I turn to face him, for a second his expression looked annoyed, then his eyes fall on the lamp in my hand and his eyes narrow.

"What are you doing?" He whispers.

"I could ask you the same thing," I respond and he shakes his head. I raise the lamp higher.

"You sneak into my family's rest house, break through the greenhouse, and threaten me with a lamp? What has gotten into you?" Then his expression changed, and I feel my blood running cold. He chuckles.

"Don't," I warn him but my voice comes out weak and I take a step back. I didn't know why I was so afraid of him, but something about the whole situation didn't bode well with me. I remember Jasper's text message and wonder what he meant. Did he know I went here? Was he coming? Was he the killer? No. He couldn't be- his sister.

"Pat, with the years we have been together, why are you being so hostile towards me? I understand I wasn't a perfect boyfriend, but this?" he gestures towards me, evident hurt in his expression. I swallow, hard, and start doubting myself. I lower the lamp an inch.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him and he breathes out.

"Aside from the fact that this is my family's rest house, I found it weird that you would suddenly be asking permission to come here. So, I came."

I try reading his face, but with the lack of light, it was almost impossible to make out if he was lying.

"So, you just arrived?" I ask and he nods.

"Yes, I saw your car parked outside and I wondered why you didn't park near the house unless, I thought, there was someone you didn't want catching you arriving. I was surprised to see the broken door to the greenhouse, by the way," he says and shakes his head. Suddenly I feel guilty and lower the lamp completely. It wasn't Nathan. I was sure of it. It couldn't be.

"Did you come here with someone?" he asks, almost accusingly. I think of Jasper and immediately shake my head.

"No, I came here alone," I answer. He looks at me for a long moment before nodding.

"Why?" I ask him and he sighs.

"Well, you saw it, right? Someone was in the living room?" He asks me and I nod at him. He also didn't know who was here. But if someone else was here, wouldn't they be alerted by the sound of the pot breaking when I dropped it? I lift the lamp again as Nathan stares at the closed door.

A noise outside makes me jump and he turns to me, a finger over his lips telling me to keep quiet. He gestures for me to hide under the bed. I hesitate, shaking my head but he gives the order again, firmer this time and I oblige. The confusion was exhausting me and nothing made sense anymore. I crawl under the bed, the lamp within my reach, and watch as he stands behind the door.

I wait for a few seconds before the door is kicked open.

"Nathan, you motherfucker."

I cover my gasp as I realized it was Jasper. Nathan swings the door towards him and Jasper stumbles a bit before Nathan pushes him out the door. I strain to hear the movements. They stumble down the hallway and I freeze in place. What was happening? I crawl out of the bed, grabbing the lamp and run after them.

I find them in the living room, brawling it out on the floor.

"I am going to fucking kill you, "Jasper screams through gritted teeth and lands a punch across his jaw.

"I didn't kill your fucking sister," Nathan screams back as he struggles to get out from under him.

"Stop lying," Jasper punches him repeatedly across his face and I run to interfere, bashing the lamp against Jasper's back. He flinches and Nathan uses the moment to push him off and crawl away from under him. He turns to me, his face hostile before relaxing as recognition appears on his face.

"Pat?" He says, sounding more hurt and confused than I had wanted him to sound like. I open my mouth but stopped as Nathan takes out a gun and points it at him. I turn to him, shocked. Jasper quickly recovers and turns to Nathan.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't shoot you right now," he says, pointing the gun at Jasper. Who looked almost feral. "You sneak into my rest house and attack me out of the blue? Because what? Do you think I had something to do with your sister's death? What kind of sick-ass accusation is that?"

"Nathan," I try to calm him but he shakes my head at me.

"Let me guess, you believe him, don't you, pat? After years of being together, you think I'm capable of that? Of murder?" He asks and for a moment I do not know how to answer.

"Where is Jasmine?" Jasper asks, his voice low. I stare at the gun between them and try hard to find a way out of this. Neither of them seemed to be the killer or the kidnapper but-

"You tell me, psycho," Nathan responds, raising the gun to aim at Jasper's head. I move and stand between them.

"Let's just talk about this, please," I beg and watch as Nathan lowers the gun an inch before Jasper grabs me by the shoulders and uses me as a shield. I am suddenly gripped with fear.

"Yeah, let's talk about it Nathan," Jasper repeats and Nathan actually has the audacity to chuckle. He lowers the gun.

"You sick fuck," he says through gritted teeth and I have to force myself to stop shaking.

"I could say the same about you," he says. I could feel Jasper's hands grow soft against my shoulders as he steps closer to me.

"I need you to run," he whispers too quietly I almost missed it. I was about to ask him why when he tosses me to side with so much strength I stumble. I scream as I hear the gun go off and crawl away. I turn, backing away from the scene and didn't see the door to the basement open. The last thing I see is Jasper and Nathan fighting over the gun before falling down the stairs. Then- everything was black.


Authors note Sorry for the really short chapter! But, hey we are almost at the end!! I still am not sure how I'm going to end this so HAHA we are all going to see what happens next XD 

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