chapter 5

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The next morning was normal,after finishing breakfast i got a text from Sean and another from Tobi,Tobi was gonna come over this morning and we'll walk to school but Sean wanted to walk me to school today,i text them both to meet me at my house. After about nineteen minutes later i answered the door,they both stood there smiling and talking to each other,Sean shushed Tobi before they turned to me,"ready to go Jamie." i inspected them,Sean was wearing a flannel jacket and a black t-shirt,dark blue jeans and his favorite white and gray shoes,he wore his glasses and his dark brown beanie,his hair was brushed to one side and it was rather..fluffy? It was odd for him to get his hair trimmed and fixed up,he was sort of phobic about haircuts,and a slight scruff,his eyes seemed very off,weird and now he's a suspect of body jerking,or whatever. Now Tobi wore her usual cameo shirt,black skinny jeans,mouth piercing and her red hair tied in a ponytail,she was quickly cleared of body jacking,"ok,let's go guys." i smiled back and pulled my backpack on and headed off with them,leaving Kelly behind,we went through the park which was very lively with teenagers and annoying birds in the mornings but it felt nice to be around people again, both Tobi and Sean looked at each other from time to time and then Sean would check his phone,"what's going on?" Tobi chuckled nervously,she obviously knew what was going on but is refusing to say anything,Sean kept his eyes off of me and avoiding eye contact after i asked,"please tell me something right now,you guys are giving me the heebe jeebes." i shivered,despite it being warm outside this morning,we sat on the school steps,"gosh grandma you're so square.","is that suppose to be ironic?" we both laughed until Sean started to talk,"so uhh..Jamie..umm." i turned over to see that Sean was uncomfortably close to me,i could feel his body heat radiating from his body,so gross,"yes?" i scooted over but Tobi blocked the way,"guys what the hell? Is this 'let's be weird day'?" Tobi laughed uncontrollably,"no silly it's that.." Sean quickly reached over me and quickly covered Tobi's mouth,"d-don't you d-d-d.." he was blushing and having trouble talking,even more than usual,he shook his head frustratingly as he tried to talk,"dare..Tobi" he huffed loudly and then shrieked as he pulled his hand away,"eww..y-you licked my hand.","well duh." Tobi shrugged. I couldn't help but chuckle,it was almost like they were siblings even though they aren't related at all,the bell rang loud and we all got up,Tobi quickly dashed for the front doors as quick as she could,Sean pulled my arm,"hey umm..J-Jamie?" i raised a eyebrow,"yes Sean? Make it quick i gotta get to class." he stood there for a good minute,just staring at me,his stare shifted quickly and his eyes became..darker? I don't know but it freaked me out a bit,"Sean?" he chuckled deeply and his grip tightened,"i'm here." his voice was completely different,it was deep and his irish accent was very heavy,"what the..?" and just like that he was gone,"come on Jamie you've been standing there for like two minutes,come on! Sean already left for class.","oh ok." i replied meekly as i followed Tobi to class,the hallways were full so we took a shortcut,well longcut,"you know Valentine's day is coming up.","yeah and what about it?",she scoffed and rolled her eyes,"what do you mean 'what about it'? It's going to be like the best day ever for you." i glared at her,"how? What do you know that i don't." Tobi chuckled,"i made a promise,let's just say that a certain dark haired boy wants to ask you out." i huffed,"you and Sean are my only friends Tobs." she shrugged,"oh love is blind,so very blind my good friend." her smile went from normal right to cheshire,we sat down and waited for class to start,"oh and he doesn't know how to ask you out." i groaned,"oh yeah? Well enough about me,how about you? Don't you have a date yet or anything?" Tobi's smile dialed down a bit,"oh umm.." she became nervous all of the sudden,i couldn't help but chuckle. A girl walked into the room and sat down by us,well a boy i should say,his name was Angel and he was Tobi's friend much longer than i have,"well here's my date." Angel blushed brightly and he fixed his hat,"yeah i guess.","so where do you guys plan to go or whatever?" they both looked at each other and shrugged,"we don't know." they said in unison,"you guys are perfect for eachother.","definitely!" Tobi cheered,when a girl came and sat down by Angel,Tobi hissed lowly,causing Angel to hug her tightly,"down girl." he chuckled,the bell rung again and class started.

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