chapter 6

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Around 6th period,during passing time i had went to my locker to get out my math book but there was a note in the vent,i picked it up and opened it,'how do you feel about raisins,well what about a date?-Sean.' i laughed a bit and put the note in my pocket,i headed to class but something was off,really off,it was dead silent and everyone was just staring at me,their faces blank of any kind of expression,"i'm sorry if i was late mrs.Huff." but my teacher just..she just stood there,staring at me

just like everyone else. I took a breath as i walked around the room,it started to shift and change,their bodies changed as well and i had a sick feeling again,i heard a loud groan behind me,a painful one that sent shivers down my spine and gave me goosebumps,"hey!" i yelled as i turned around,a mangled black figure hung from the ceiling,shifting and changing every second,it groaned and hissed loudly,and the other kids did the same,"dude what the hell is this about?","Zuzo.." i heard something groan from the walls,"Zuzo,the tortured one." i heard footsteps and turned around,"of all times why right now." i said under my breath as i watch the figure crawl down the wall and just splat onto the floor like goo. It was a sickening sight to see,it shifted from having my teacher's face,to Sean face,then to mine,fangs hung out of it's mouth and the eyes shifted around,up near the forehead then down on the cheeks,it kept reforming and deforming,it's face shifted between Tobi and Sean's face until it settled in my face that had both of their features,"to many." the same voice said,i tried to run as fast as i could but i stayed stuck in the same spot,then finally it took Sean's form and added it's own sickly features,it's,his? Skin had goo dripping from it,chains were digging into its/his skin and hung from the wrist,neck and back,i wanted to puke,run and cry all at the same time,as i stood there i just tought to myself,and i finally nuts? The form,or fake Sean,walked towards me,it was as if it was really him but as a demented demon,it grabbed my chin,his fingers felt really squishy and gooey,i jerked my head as hard as i could and suddenly there was chains wrapped around my neck,choking me as hard as it could,it felt like my eyes were about to pop out at anytime,my throat burned and i could feel my lungs move quickly as well as my heart beating hard,"" i finally said. The thing just smiled,my vision became blurry,"and no one came." it said,i felt more sharp objects dig into my skin on various parts of my body,"my time will be over for now,but Zero will finish you,need..more..." everything was dark,i could feel the cold floor on my hands,when i opened my eyes i was in the bathroom sitting in a stall,my wrist bleed and my ankles to,not to heavily but it still stung badly,i was unsure how i ended up here but i tried my best to cope,i contemplated if i should go to the nurse or deal with it myself.

The smell and the taste of the blood made me want to hurl,the whole time i spent trying to clean myself off and patching myself up i kept gagging and dry heaving,the stinging turned into a burning sensation while i cleaned my wound with soap and water,i almost screamed by how much it had hurt,but once i was done i went to the nurse and got some wraps and wrapped myself up,telling her i fell down the stairs,but she kept asking about the long thin cut on my neck,i kept dismissing her and telling her that it was nothing to worry about. By the time school was over i got a text from Sean and my mom,'so how about tonight?" from Sean and,"what happened? Were you attacked,tell me,or better yet call me,if you're not home by 3:40 i'll call the police." i rolled my eyes and texted mom that i was fine and that i tripped on my shoelace and tripped down a couple of stair steps and that i was going to hang out with my friends. I texted Sean back letting him know to meet me in front of the school,a minute later while i was waiting i had got a text,"ok i trust you,just be home before dinner then if you're going to be out but next time you get hurt you're coming straight home missy.","ok i'll be there with Tobi and Angel." Sean texted back,Later we all went to the park near by,Tobi and Angel played on the various playground equipment and were just being childish,while i watched them i could see out of the corner of my eye that Sean was just staring at him,i turned to look at him and he turned sheepish,"s-sorry,i guess i-i just d-drifted off." he gave a small smile,but his eyes were dark just like this morning and i could feel a dramatic shift between us,"how about we go onto that one trail." i was confused,he never liked going down deserted paths or empty trails,or even hiking in general,i sighed and held onto my phone tight,a ping went off,"hold on,let me answer this then we can go,ok." i gave him a smile but he quickly got up and headed over to the trail,i got a text from my sister asking if i found him,"yeah i found it,and it took Sean;s body."

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