Hung Girl

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Iris was a young girl, she's 13 years old, her long dark hair and brown eyes. She was modest and quiet, but very kind, a cute and friendly. She has a quiet life, a very loving family and beloved cat, but Iris lives with her ​​older sister, because her parents left for abroad. Iris wants to make friends at school, but they taunted her because she was different from others. After that Iris and her sister moved to another city to a new life.


There was a spring morning. Iris wakes up, sits up on her bed, yawns and looks at the window and blue sky.

Iris: (How good.... But today is the first day in a new school... I'm so excited...) *looks at the cat, who sleeps on a basket by her bed* Well, Miya, good morning! *smiles and patted Miya's head*

Cat Miya: *wakes up and purrs*

Iris gets up, went to the bathroom, tooks off his pajamas, turns on the tap warm water and washs himself. After she quickly wipes and puts on a blue dress and a white blouse, combs, looks at his reflection on the mirror and sighs.

Iris: I hope I can do... *sighs again*

Iris hurries down the stairs, went into the kitchen and sits down on the chair.

Iris: Good morning, sister!

Iris's sister: Morning, Iris. Eat quickly before breakfast cools. *puts a cup of warm cocoa on the table*

Iris: Ok, sister! *tooks the cup and begins to drink it* Ahhh, I love cocoa!

Iris's sister: Me too. *smiles* By the way, today you go to school. Try what I told you yesterday. Behave politely and learn well. I hope you'll make new friends and forget about their problems, Iris.

Iris: I'll try.

Iris's sister: *smiles* It'll be okay, Iris.

Iris: Okay. *smiles as well and began to eat breakfast*


In school. When Iris went to the class, she tries to met with her classmates before lessons.

Iris: *sits at a school desk and opens her backpack* (I'm ready? No.... Better late...) *accidentally dropped her pen* Oh...

Girl with blonde hair: *picks up a pen and gaves it to Iris* Hey, newcomer, here. *smiles*

Iris: Ah, thank you... *took it and looks at her* Uh...

Girl with blonde hair: My name is Alexandra. And just call me "Alex" for friends. And you??

Iris: Well... Iris. Nice to meet you, Alex...

Alex: Hehe! Do not be shy! I like your name, as a flower! Hope we will friends!

Iris: *blushes a bit and smiles* Okay... (If so, i will happy..?)

During recess. Iris came out of her class, went to the canteen to drink juice. She opens the door and someone accidentally splatters on her bucket with water. Iris twitches of surprise and cold water. One of the boys giggled and playfully apologize to her. Iris looks up at him, then around than the guys silently looks at her, giggles and laughs. Iris tries to hold myself not to cry, but she could not, so she runs away from the canteen.

Iris: (Joke... Again, a joke! I hate it!!! Why my life don't change? Whyyyy?!) *sobs a bit*

Iris runs in the ladies toilet to hide, but she faces Alex, and they fell on the floor.

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