Flame Freak

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When I was a little boy, my parents died when I was about only four years old and because of that I was moved from house to house until I became five. Six different families took care of me but because of my odd actions and difference made them decide to give me back to the orphanage home. Well, I was different from them so it´s not their fault. The difference was I had an imaginary friend named Hartniss that only I could see and hear and that´s why the families I´ve been with on few weeks and months sent me back.

Sarah, the oldest daughter of the orphanage home owner, she was the only one who actually believed me, she didn´t let me be alone whenever I was there, helping me when the other kids bullied me. She was the only one who truly believed me that my imaginary friend, Hartniss, truly exist.

“Did you hear that? Mrs. Cyan´s daughter is protecting Kenneth…” some of the kids would whisper behind our back, “Kenneth Dawnson? Yeah, he´s such a weirdo, he is always at the corner and talks to himself.” “Yeah, that´s why Mrs. Cyan always told her daughter not to hang out with him but she doesn´t listen…”

The kids began to throw small rocks at Sarah, even though she was three years older than most of the kids here, she was one of the weakest. She couldn´t protect herself against 7-8 kids throwing rocks at her. “Why not protect her? You can always burn them, little kid~” Hartniss is a demon, he won´t admit it himself but I knew he was one when I first time saw him.

I was around 3 years old when I saw him, I was playing football with some friends and there he was, floating on air and smiling kindly, I talked with him but my friends left me saying that I began to act weird and saying I was talking with myself.

I always wanted to get rid of him, telling him to go away but he´s always around me, smiling or laughing at everything I do. I learned to ignore him but then as I grow up the urge to listen to him and obey him grew stronger.

“You can only say the word, Kenneth… and I will give it to you~” Hartniss always talked about power and ability, that I could rule the world with it, making others bow down before me and Hartniss, but I didn´t like the idea. “No, Hartniss…” I would say to the demon that only I can see and talk with, I knew that other children around me were looking at me strangely, whispering mean things and all but I didn´t care.

“Kenneth… do you know that demons was actually angels? They are angels before but when they followed Lucifer instead of God, God banned them from Heaven and sent them to the inside of the earth called Hell along with Lucifer.” Sarah knew a lot of demons and angels, maybe that´s why she´s always protecting me but I could feel that Hartniss didn´t like her.

But then, when I became eight years old, everything became harder to handle. Sarah didn´t care about me anymore, she was a pre-teen back then and it was understandable. She hanged out with her new friends. “You don´t want it now?” Hartniss would ask about that once or twice a day but I always ignored him though the desire to accept his offer was hard.

I learned that Sarah was only protecting me that she felt bad about me, she actually never believed that Hartniss ever existed. I was and never will be believed…

Years quickly went by, I was 13 years old and was still at the orphanage home. Kids began to call me names as 'freak´ and other things that´s not good to little kiddies ears and Sarah had completely forgotten about me, my only human friend completely ignored me when I pass by her in the streets or at the orphanage home.

The faithful day came again, new foster parents, meaning new people to know about my demon friend. “How do you feel, Kenneth? Would you like the power if you don´t like them?” I began to completely ignore the demon as if he never existed, to save my appearance for my new family.

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