The Skroll

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"Again?!" Emily looked at her mother with a somewhat sad emotion on her face. "Mom, it’s the fifth time that we are moving to a new city!"

Her mother sighed and patted Emily’s shoulders."Sweetie, you know how hard it is to find good work and get enough money to pay for clothes, food, a house and furniture. Even if your father is not with us anymore, we still have to be strong and find our place. It
may be tough, but you will find friends there."

"I think you are right, but I don’t think that I will find friends. It's just... everyone hates me."

Emily started to sob and looked away from the worried mother. It was true, she wasn't really what you would call a social butterfly.

"Emily, don’t cry. Mommy promises everything will be alright." Her mother hugged her and tried to comfort her now crying daughter. Eventually Emily stopped sobbing and hugged her mother back.


"Here we are darling! It’s our new home." Mother smiled at her child and showed her daughter how the new house looked from the outside. "I know it’s not perfect and kind of old, but no worries. We're going to fix everything and the house will look amazing!"

Emily smiled and kissed her mother’s cheek. "I know, mommy. The most important thing is that we're gonna be together, right?."

"Yes, only us. Now let’s go inside and unpack our stuff!" Playfully grabbing her daughter's hand, she ran into the house.

Emily entered her huge new room. It was old. Everything was old - the bed, closet and lamp. Although everything wasn’t perfect, she was only hoping to find new friends at school, and tomorrow was Monday, so she had to be ready for the big day. She was pretty tired after traveling to the new house, so she decided to go to sleep much earlier. She got into the bed and turned off all the lights and fell asleep.

Emily woke up middle of the night hearing a strange sound that was in her room. It was like scratching. "Huh, who’s there?!" She sighed and felt fear creep through her body. She hid under her blankets, but she still heard all those weird scratching sounds.

"Maybe it is a cat?" Emily thought to herself. Then she paused thoughtfully, "But how did he get here?"

She stood up from the bed and felt brave enough to find out who was there. She started to hear those scratches again, but she knew it was just some kind of animal. She started to search for the animal, and she heard that the scratching was coming right from closet. She shivered as she slowly started to open the closet doors.

"Huh?!" Emily was pretty surprised that she saw nothing, but she knew that closet was pretty big so she walked inside to find what could have been making that sound. As she walked in she felt that something was breathing on her neck. She felt the biggest fear well up from deep inside of her, she just closed her eyes and started to breathe slower.

She felt that someone scratched her hand. She felt such a pain so she started, as fast as she could, to run out of and away from the closet. But she heard a voice that sounded like a male teenager voice. "Where do you think you're going?" The scratcher asked with a sinister, eerie voice.

Emily could feel how he jumped on her and pinned her to the floor. When she saw him, (thanks to the light streaming in from the window) she noticed what he looked like, which was oddly enchanting. The first things that she saw were his bright blue eyes; it was like they were glowing in the dark. He wore a dark grey mask with blood prints on it and he had light grey skin. When she looked closer, she saw that he had brown hair with something red on his hair tips.She couldn’t see how he was dressed because of darkness.

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