Chapter 3

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I'm glad for the sword and gloves immediately. Strange creatures that looked like giant dogs with cats' tails chase me, and the sword seems to have been enchanted not to break or something like that. After the dog creatures run away, I hide inside a cave that looks sturdy and eat some of my fruit. I don't think it's a good idea to eat meat with those dog things around.

Where I think is halfway through the forest, I find another package that looks like it's for me. There's a message that says, "I hope you found the sword and gloves useful. They weren't easy to get. The bow in this package is enchanted to never miss. Be careful not to shoot yourself! Signed, A.S."

Just like he said in the message, there's a bow and a quiver of arrows in the package. Really lightweight, too. I slide the sword in my belt and carry the bow instead. I'm glad for it in less than five minutes. A flock of birds with black feathers, sharp grey beaks, and bloodstained teeth swoop down at me, trying to eat my flesh. I shoot most of them before they can hurt me, but two of them swoop, and I have to use my sword. I kill them both, but not before one scratches my arm with claws.

The pain is fiercer than I would expect for the size of the cut. About half the length of my hand, the injury is more painful than a stab in the leg, and I know how painful it is - when I was about 7, I tried to steal a steak from the butcher, and ended up with a knife in my leg. I didn't die somehow. I guess someone, somewhere, is watching out for me. A shadow passes over my chest, and I black out.


Putting the note back here! And I'm having a character contest! You need to have the name, gender, age (under 12, the character is also a firstborn), appearance, and personality. You can add a small backstory too. The winner will be announced the next time I update this book! See you guys!


And sorry it's so short!

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