chapter four

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Frank's POV

when I wake up, the bed is empty, and I'm

alone in the room. "Gerard?", I call when I hear the sound of video games from the next room.

"no it's mikey. gees downstairs drinking coffee.

"oh" I say before getting out of bed and pulling on a top- it just happens to be gerards- which means it's too big for me and comes halfway to my knees.

once I'm downstairs, I see Gerard at the table, sipping coffee.

"any for me?" I say in his ear, making

him jump slightly.

"make your own" he says before taking a huge gulp.

"but you luuuurve me" I fake-whine at him.

"yup, so much I don't want you to get obese and unhealthy. because I love you so much" he says and turns back

I smirk at him "I'll just have yours then" and with that the cups in my hands and I'm downing what's left of the coffee. Gerard shrugs and gets up to make more.

"who are you and what have you done with my brother?" says mikey from the doorway.

"what?" he mutters from where he's making the coffee.

"if I took your coffee I would be dead. oh and can you keep it down next time you do that. your lucky mum wasn't home" mikey replies. I blush and Gerard smirks. "keep what down?" he says and mikey rolls his eyes. "you know what" he says before grabbing Gerards freshly made coffee and going upstairs.

One hour later.



Gerard and I were sat on the sofa, waiting to get revenge on mikey. We set the door of his bedroom open slightly, filling it with a bucket of diluted coffee. Now to wait.

It was only a few minutes before mikey came out of the games room to go into his bedroom, opening the door to be covered in coffee. He glares at us, laughing our heads off.

"You wanted coffee. We gave you coffee" laughed gee as mikey glared.

"You'll pay for this" he says before storming off to the bathroom.

Back in the kitchen, Gerard starts making lunch. He pours rice into a pan to cook and gets out the green seaweed sheets and a pack of fish. It's sushi time. I sit on the counter and watch him cook and then put the sushi on plates.

"Mikes, we made sushi" I shout up the stairs. He soon appears in the kitchen doorway.

"Actually I made the sushi" Gerard says as mikey takes the dish upstairs. Gee smiles and pushes his lips against mine, me still sat on the counter. The kiss soon goes from slow and sweet to rough and passionate. We sit/ stand there kissing for at least five minutes until someone clears their throat.

"Gerard? Have you got something to tell me" I see gee go red, I'm facing away from Donna, his mom, so she can't see who he was kissing.

"Mom- I.... Uh...... Yeah...... I'm.... Well.... Well I'm kinda gay" I use this as an opportunity to turn around and smile sheepishly at Donna.

"I'm also gay"

"Frank?" she asks


"We'll I didnt expect that one" she smiles.

"Your not pissed off at me?" Gerard questions.

"Why would I be?" She smiles.

"But there will be new rules" at this we both sigh. I turn around so I'm fully facing her and Gerard wraps his arms around me from behind.

"Frank, you will sleep in the spare room from now on"

"What? Scared I'll get him pregnant?" Gerard sasses and raises one eyebrow.

"If he's gonna get pregnant it's a bit late for that. They've already done it at least twice" says mikey from the doorway. We both glare at him" told you I'd get you back" he laughs and goes back upstairs.

"You used protection?" Donna asks. It was more of a statement than a question.

"You didn't use protection, you've got two sons" Gerard states, making her roll her eyes.

"Okay, second rule, from now on you use protection. No kissing on the kitchen counters and you keep it in your own beds. Not in mine or Mikey's or the sofa."

"You really think we'd do it in my little bros bed?"

"Fair enough, just keep it down and keep the door closed". With that she goes upstairs and leaves us alone.

"We better move your stuff into the spare room then" gee sighs and we go upstairs.

Authors note.

So I haven't updated for a few days. Sorry. But I'll try to update at least every other day. Comment vote and fan

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