chapter 1

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Cat's P.O.V

     My heart is beating so fast like it's gonna burst out like nothing. I shouldn't be like this, I've done this a million times before, it shouldn't be this hard for me now. I'm in the car and our  moving van is right behind us. This is our millionth time moving house again. Basically we've been like this for almost 4 years since my dad got a job from my grandpa. His work needs to switch places to be able to work. 

I know its confusing but you'll get use to it.

I grew up in an italian household and family is very important so every time he switch places with his job we came along with him and he doesn't want to be away from us.

  Usually we move when its August. first day of school, so we don't need to make up things in school but this year is different we move after my first semester finished . I always do this  and nothing different from the past school years before. But the feeling never change, I always felt sad but then exited and happy. New school, new house, new surroundings, new people, new FRIENDS! Basically I don't have much friend because of  the thought of  "you will leave them anyway" but I can still make new ones . I  have one best friend and she is in Florida, where we came from.

   Florida was great I love the people and the Disney land there but we now move to Los Angeles. Many of my relatives who are from here said that LA is great so maybe I will love this place somehow. I always open my heart on new things coz that's my life now.

   My dad just pulled up, I think we're here.

 I unbuckled my seat belt saw the house, it was big hut not so big. Perfect for our small family. We are 5 in the family, my mom, dad, me and my twin brothers Marco and Miguel . This house will fit us. And by the way its beautiful it has a white color outside with brown borders and roof, the backyard is fine as the whole house .

 This where I'm going to start my new life. My days in Florida are great, but I'm going to start my new chapter here. Hope LA has something good for me.

After a few weeks .... 

   Yay !!!!!!! Its first day of school! I mean first day of the seconds semester. After searching so many schools I finally decided which one I want. Its Hollywood Arts high school! Its a performing arts high school, and its a great school. I've been in a performing arts school before so its not new to me. I much prefer this unlike a normal high school.

   This feeling is neutral, I'm nervous and exited its always mixed . Their lockers are so good and creative and when I saw a gray one, I knew it  was mine, coz its the only one who was ugly and dusty.

   Don't worry locker later on you will be filled with bright colors and life. 

Beside my locker is a Dark red locker with a large letter 'R' in black color . I didn't mind that locker much but when I look at the time on my pear phone class is about to start and my first period is english with miss Jacobs. My favorite subject !!!

   When I enter my english class, I'm just right in time. I sat on the middle at the corner like I usually do on my first day . Later on my teacher came and I immediately sat up straight.

"Good morning class .." the teacher greeted she seems like a kind teacher. So it means I will survive this. Later on she called for  attendance, every one is present except one.

"Mr. Shapiro ?" she called out but no one responded .

"Miss Valentine ?" she called out, I immediately raised my hand and everyone look at me like I'm a clown on a birthday party.

"Oh I forgot ... miss Valentine is a transfer student from Florida, miss Valentine would you like to introduce yourself ?" she asked politely .

"My ... name is Caterina Valentine .. but call me Cat instead." I said with a slight confidence. 

"Thank you miss Valentine." she gesture at me and then back to her work.

Teaching .

 It was fun, I already went through my second subject which is chemistry not my favorite but I love experiments. My third period is acting then Music, Costume design and Math. I hate math, I can't really understand the equations. Its like magic on how some kids manage to solve a math problem. Its so hard .

 So acting class with mr. Sikowitz? Weird name. I enter the class and saw a bunch of students talking in the middle of the class room. so I sat on the back. I waited at the teacher like forever and then he entered. I'm not joking  but he doesn't look like a teacher, he is like a homeless man. As he went on stage he threw his bag on the corner.

"Good morning class! Its time for our daily ABC improv. Beck, Jade, Andre, Tori and.... " he searched for someone but looks like he found nothing.

"Did Robbie skipped school again Jade? " he asked the raven haired girl who is wrapped around the arms of a handsome guy with a gorgeous hair. 

"As usual, yeah." she replied nonchalantly. 

"Okay.... you!" he pointed in my direction, I thought he was referring at the girl next to me but its really me.

  I walked up to the stage shyly . This is the very first time a teacher would call me and make me join the activity on first day of school .

  "Okay let's start with  B." he said as he sip his coconut. Weird.

  "But I don't know how to do this." I complained but his not listening .

  "Calm down little red we will teach you." said by a dark colored skin man with dread locks.

  "Do you know improv acting ?" asked by the girl with a brunette hair and stunning cheek bone.

  "Eeh idiot Vega if she knows she wouldn't be like that." said by the girl with black hair with face peirce on her eyebrow .

  "For god sake let's just teach her." said by the handsome boy with a nice hair.

 "Good, so we just start our sentences with the letter alphabet style, like a,b,c something " said by the the black guy.

  "His right, for example B you said 'but' earlier so it counts. You need to be very observant on the letters or else you will get lose and be vanished by Sikowitz."

I thought we were just conversing, but were actually doing the activity itself. I get it now.

I internalize all of her words and I think I should try it for maybe a better impression.

"I am Caterina Valentine but you can call me Cat, I'm a transfer student and I came from Florida. I love animals and I love candies. I love making friends too and I hope all of you became my friend." I said with confidence

 The girl with the brunette hair smile along with the others the girl with black hair make an impressive shrugged, and I think I did a good job.

 Great Cat .

  After a few minutes Mr. Sikowitz stand up and clapped his hands. 

"Very good Cat, you may sit down all of you. And Cat using an improv to introduce your self is a genius idea." he complimented I blush and I can't hide my happiness, this is gonna be a good day.

I hope that this will continue ..

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