[ A/N: All of the chapters are connected ]
His mind is fragile
Single touch and it'll shatter
Words can get too much
Feel too muchPiece by piece
he picks up each memory
Glass by glass
without color
Yet so beautifulHurt him until he can't feel
Don't want to heal
brokenSmile creeps on his face
TerrifiedIt's not how the world sees you
It's how you show you to the worldhe wanted to be hidden
thoughts kept inside
shatteredHe was like a beautiful poetry
turned out to be mysteryhe was like glass
He's one of the pieces
Stinging into my skin
Wanting to be heard, let outTrapped
He knew how his other beloved friend who's also his brother not biologically behaved but, they claim to be brother's as well the rest of their friends. However, he knew they all had secrets, all of them did even he, himself had quite a few. They all knew every person has a secret. Who doesn't? However, this one specific brother caught his attention. He knew from the starting that he wasn't ok because, weeks after their friendship he saw him doing something that utterly gave him a shock. He never knew he felt that way. A few minutes ago when he called him, he could tell he was crying for some unknown reason, his voice was hoarse. He never bothered to ask, he knew he wouldn't answer that question anyways. Apart from all these things, they somehow connect. Don't know why or how. He just knows he's connected to that one specific person in a complete different way from the others. Of course he didn't show it as much because then it'll become too obvious.
He held this party for one specific reason and that was to see his fellow friends as well as brothers happy. Truly happy.The sad part is that none of them is happy.
Especially, himself.