Chapter 10

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"Because I know you're not single Dan and I still kissed you back," I sigh, which causes Daniel to look at me confused.

"Wait, what? What do you mean?"

Daniel's POV

I look at Violet confused as I have no idea what she's talking about. Violet seems confused as well, which isn't helping.

"What do you mean?" I ask again as Violet didn't reply the first time I asked.

"We kissed, that made you cheat. I knew that and I still kissed you back," Violet says and all of the sudden I realize what's going on.

"You think I'm dating someone?"

"Yeah, Jemma. You've been dating her for years!"

"Vi, Jemma and I broke up almost a year ago," I tell her, making Violet's eyes widen.


"Yeah, things just didn't work out between us.

"I did not know that."

"How did you even know I was still dating Jemma?"

"I talk to some of her friends sometimes. Whenever something big happened between you guys, they would tell me. They never told me you broke up, so I assumed you were still together."

"Nope, I've been single for almost a year now."

"Oh, that explains things," Violet says, making me chuckle.

"What do you mean?"

"I thought you'd be mad because I kissed you and made you cheat, but you weren't so that was really confusing."

"First of all, I was the one who kissed you, so then it would've been my own fault. Second of all, why would I be mad?"

"Because you were drunk and didn't actually want to kiss me? Because you regret it" Violet says, which makes me think. Do I regret kissing her? Did I actually want to? Would I kiss her again? I look at her as she's waiting for me to answer her question.

I look into her beautiful blue eyes, which haven't changed one bit since I left for Italy years ago. The only difference is that she doesn't hide them behind glasses anymore. Her brown locks have grown a lot over the years, now falling halfway onto her back. She always told me she wanted to have long hair, but when she was younger her mom didn't let her, to avoid tangles. Now that she's older, she can finally have the long hair she always wanted. And it looks amazing on her.

"I'm not mad and I also don't regret it," I eventually say, realizing Violet was still waiting for an answer from me.


"Of course not! I wouldn't be mad because of something like that and I also don't regret kissing a beautiful girl like you," I say, making Violet look down, blushing at my comment.

"Okay," is all she says and I smile at her reaction.

"So, we're good?"

"Yeah, we're good for sure," Violet says which makes me smile widely.

After spending a little more time at the café, I bring Violet back home. Both of us still have a lot to do so we decided to call it a day on our little outing. I really enjoyed spending some time with her, just catching up a bit after we talked about everything. Before I go to my own apartment, I drop by my parent's house to pick up some photo books of me and Violet. For some reason, talking to her again has made me feel all nostalgic.

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