Chapter 14

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It doesn't take too long before Joelle comes out and gets into the backseat.

"You guys ready to party?" she asks and both Violet and I nod.

"Let's party!" Violet exclaims as I drive off towards the club the guys are. It's gonna be an interesting night.

"Hey mate!" Jake says once he sees me walking towards him with Violet and Joelle following behind me.

"Hey, what's up?" I greet him and the other guys, doing our signature handshake with each of them.

"Just chilling," Evan says before taking a sip of his drink.

"Nice man. By the way, you guys know Violet and Joelle right?"

"Yeah, I remember them," Sam says and the other guys nod in agreement.

"Great. Do you guys want something do drink?" I ask, turning to Violet and Joelle.

"Yeah, I'll have a cocktail," Joelle says.

"Yeah, me too. I'll walk with you to help you," Violet says. I nod and start making my way to the bar, followed by Violet.

"What do you want?" I ask Violet as we reach the bar.

"Sex on the beach and a strawberry daiquiri for Joelle."

"Okay," I say before turning to the bar, kind of surprised by Violet's choice of drink.

"What can I get you?" the bartender asks me.

"A beer, a sex on the beach and a strawberry daiquiri," I reply and the bartender nods before starting to make our drinks.

"Here you go," the bartender says as he puts the final drink down in front of us. I hand him some money to pay for the drinks before taking two of the drinks. Violet takes the other one before making our way back to our friends. I hand Joelle her drink before taking a sip of my beer.

"How was your date?" I hear Joelle asks Violet and I know for a fact she's blushing at that.

"It wasn't a date," Violet responds.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I am. We were just catching up as friends."

"Sure you were. I bet there's more behind it."

"There isn't Jo, we're friends, that's all."

"Whatever you say Vi, whatever you say," Joelle says and I know she sees us being together, just like Jake. Let's make sure those two don't talk to each other, especially not about us.

"Hey man, how was your night with Violet?" Sam asks, taking my focus off Violet and Joelle's conversation.

"It was good, we talked about some stuff and we're all good now."

"There were issues between you two?" Evan asks confused.

"No, not really, just some unresolved stuff from years ago."

"Ah okay, I was getting worried for a sec," Evan says and that tells me he's also rooting for me and Violet.

"Nothing to be worried about, trust me," I say before taking a few more sips of my beer. I watch Violet, who's still talking to Joelle and slightly blushing. I wonder what they are talking about now.

"You want another beer mate?" Jake asks and I nod, though I have no idea how many I've already had.

"I want one as well!" Sam exclaims and Evan nods as well.

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