01 - Capture

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3rd Person

Coruscant was always so lively. A mechanical world which was considered by most to be the heart of the galaxy. Having been home to the Republic and now the Empire, Coruscant was always at the centre of things. Its cities spanned across the entire planet, all heavily populated by all manner of creatures who had travelled from all over the galaxy.

However, it wasn't all so grand. Like every location, there were the slums. And for Coruscant, this was Coco Town.


If there was one thing that Freya couldn't stand, it would be waiting. No, scratch that. It was waiting for people who were late.

She could have been enjoying the finer aspects of Coruscant and blowing her latest payment on new toys, rather than sipping third grade whiskey in the slums of Coco Town. The dead end bar she was at possessed a less than friendly atmosphere which Freya had long since grown used to but still barely tolerated.

Glancing again at her watch, Freya sighed before downing the rest of her drink. Her contact wasn't coming. If he was going to, he would have been here already. Especially since he knew her well and how much she hated waiting. She'd have to have a word with him the next time she saw him.

Freya waved her hand for the bartender to gain her attention so she could pay. The Twi'lek nodded at her before turning to finish her current order.

Turning, Freya rested her elbows on the bar and observed the other occupants of the bar. Since it was only noon, it was not that busy. Typically, the only ones who frequent establishments like this during this time were those dealing with business than drinkers. It was why she was there after all.

There were some humans. A few Rodians. There was even a couple of Besalisks arguing in the corner. All four arms flailing as he heatedly spoke with his counterpart.

Freya snickered under her breath, watching as a human narrowly avoided one particularly violent gesture from the Besalisk. All things considered, it was fairly quiet for this kind of place.

A tap on her shoulder signified the bartending Twi'lek's arrival. Freya moved to retrieve the necessary money for her drinks.


Movement in the corner of her eye distracted her. Handing the money over to the bartender, Freya glanced over to her left.

There, in the corner of the bar, sat a man.

While this wasn't overly suspicious, Freya recalled that the human male had entered the bar shortly after herself and, despite being here for over an hour, was still nursing the same drink her ordered upon arrival. Add in the fact that he only started to move once she did and Freya's insider alarm bells were being set off.

He was now heading towards her.

Discreetly, her gloved right hand shifted to rest on her blaster as Freya smiled and thanked the bartender.

He was nearly upon her when she flicked the safety off of her blaster.

Tensing slightly in preparation for a fight.




Only for him to walk right past her to the exit.

Freya waited until the man had left the bar entirely before sighing in relief. She hadn't been in the mood for a fight and in her line of work she had gotten in plenty.

She waited a moment before she pushed away from the bar and headed to the door. Chuckling at her own paranoia, she swiftly headed to the docking bay where she parked her ship.

It was nothing fancy. Just a standard U-wing which she had won in a card game with an old friend. Lando should never have entered a game with Freya anyway, since Han had told her the secret of beating him after he won the Millennium Falcon years ago.

As her space craft came into view, Freya couldn't help but grin. It might not be much but her U-wing had gotten her out of more scrapes than she'd care to admit. It was home.

Freya ran her hand along the side of the ship as she sauntered round to the side doorway. After pressing a series of buttons to open the door, Freya leapt in and headed to the cockpit. She slipped into the pilot's chair and automatically started running the diagnostic programming. This was something any pilot worth their salt did before flying any kind of ship. The last thing that everyone wanted was to be stranded in the middle of the vacuum of space because of faulty equipment.

All systems were clear, except for one.

Clicking on the screen, Freya quickly read over the data. It appeared to be something wrong with the ship's locking mechanism, which make sense since she had just unlocked the door and it worked fine.

Rechecking the diagnostic readouts, Freya froze.

The locking system wasn't malfunctioning. It had been tampered with. For it to unlock and then relock again. Which would only be useful for someone who wanted to get in, not out.

Which meant that someone was in her ship with her.

She had to act quickly.

Diving out of her seat, Freya all but ripped her blaster out of its holster and faced the rest of her ship.

Only be grabbed and thrown into the side of the ship. The force of the hit caused her to drop her weapon. And her attacker took advantage of this.

They quickly pinned Freya against the wall. Catching her breath, she looked up to see the same man that she had been so suspicious over at the bar.

Anger filled her as her head shot forward, nailing her attacker in the face. This caused his grip on her wrists to falter enough for her to wrench free. But he recovered faster than Freya expected as he pulled something from his pocket and stabbed it into her side.

The sharp pain drew Freya's eyes downward. It was a tranquiliser and a strong one as well. Freya almost immediately lost feeling in her limbs, causing her to fall. The man caught her and lowered her gently to the ground.

Her vision blurred.

Within seconds, Freya was completely knocked out.

The man above her paused briefly. Looking her over in case she wasn't truly unconscious. After a minute of no movement, he stood and reached into his jacket for his communicator.

"This is Captain Cassian Andor reporting. Target acquired." 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2017 ⏰

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