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Joining over crevasse of pain,
from one a stubborn desert,
from the other a lonely hill.

Harsh the touch of sand,
Awkward the hill to climb.

The gap feeds from war,
forgotten by the desert.

Bridging comforts sand and grass.
Depths new to foes old,
now proxy to immortal rapture.

Lifeless desert an oasis of tears,
wishing snow will cover sand,
and become the winter it dreams.
Hill plagued by flames past,
burning forest it needed so,
needing the forest back.

Desert loves what Hill shares,
but can only repay in sand.
Still grateful Hill takes useless rocks,
until too much is took.

Past spark,
ambers ignite,
bridge burnt,
pit grows.

The desert cries while hill stays silent.
One forlorn,
the other enraged,
themselves both at.

Hill intrigues in a single whisper,
or Desert says hi,
or Hill anger in bursts.
The silence is broken,
and the bridge is built again.

But this eternally circle,
continue can it not.
Cycling of pain and fear,
with fun inside the arcs.

Fall into the widen crevasse,
dig deeper through the scar.
But never forget the 'friend' from side,
and the bridge that will never be broke.

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