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YEARS LATER ( You are now 15)

 (Y/N)'s POV

I put my earbuds in drowning the sound to the plane rising. I was on my way to Russia, more specifically Moscow. My parents split a few years back, , my father stayed in Moscow for work and my mother took me with her to London. i travel to Moscow every summer and winter. I hated the sound (or any loud non- music noises). I didn't want to come back to Moscow this summer because 1) My father got a new wife and now I have a 12 y/o half sister that I have never met. 2) I don't know where I can continue practicing my figure skating( I started back in London.). We were in the air now and and I could relax a bit. 

3 hours later

I was finally of the plane! I grabbed my luggage and bounced, I hate airports, there is too many loud people. I search for my father, after a few moments I hear someone call my name

"(Y/N)!!" I turned around and saw my father, we had the same (H/c) hair (imagine Yuuri Katsuki's hair style) I ran to him.

"Papa I missed you!" I exclaimed hugging him

:I missed you too (N/N). How was the flight? How have you been? How is Neena ( Mom's name)?" he swarmed my with questions

"Whoa there." I said indicating to slow down

"Oops Sorry" he smiled " Let's go to the house Okay" I nodded

Time skip (ugh so manyyyy)

I recognized the small grey house as my childhood home. We got out the car and opened the trunk. The windows of my old house were dark and cold looking. The house in general looked... dead. I guess Papa noticed it too.

" Guess Vera isn't home yet." he shrugged 

"Oh" I said bluntly ' I have not idea who the fuck Vera is HeLP' I sighed and started walking towards the house.

 I open the door and I see my cat Storm has come to greet me. I stroke his head and he purrs in return. I only see him when I'm in Moscow but somehow he always greets me, waiting for me. I go up to my old room, Storm follows me. My room is (F/C) with (2/F/C) butterfly stickers. I put my stuff down and lay on the bed, Storm curls up by my belly. I stroke his fur and Instantly fall asleep.


I'm SOO SORRY!!!  I have been procrastinating and UGHH PEOPLE WANNA TEST ME!! I promise I'll update at least 2 times a week from now on. 
Thank You!

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