Chapter 3

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"Well... There is this guy. Evil vampire. Names Jesse and he tried to kill us once and is now back." Ethan said and my mind went into rage mode. I saw my tail fly out behind me and felt my canines grow to their full length.
"Haha. Geuss she dosent like him." Rory said nervously.
"Jesse. As in Jesse that is really old?" I asked getting angrier by the second.
"Uh ya. What other Jesse is there that is an evil vampire." Erica said.
I growled and I had flashbacks to the first time I met Jesse.

I was walking down my schools hallways when I found my boyfriend James. He stood next to a guy that looked almost identical to him and I cautiously approached them.
"Boo!" I said jumping in front of James. He rolled his eyes and said
"Hey Sky. This is Jesse, my twin brother. He's from white chapel." I looked the guy up and down and smelt the smell of blood. So much HUMAN blood. Now this wasent like, you know a little bit. No this guy radiated blood and hatred. My hairs stood on edge as I stared into his eyes.
"Hello skyler. James has told me so much about you." Jesse said and smiled. I already hated this guy. He had a cold stare and looks like he would be able to pick up an avrege chic. Now this was the time when James was still, human.

After school that day
I walked out of the school finding James sitting with a girl, laughing, and finally kissing her. My blood boiled and I walked up to him and smaked him.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ABOUT!" I said pointing to the blonde.
"Aww, Sky calm down. Ok I'm sorry how bout that." He said smirking. A growl emitted deep within my throat.
"No. No it is not ok. Ya know what. Where done! I don't want to see your ugly azz face." I said and walked away. I felt a strong hand on my shoulder but I clawed at it.
"OW! YOU LITTLE BRAT! COME BACK HERE!" James voice sounded behind me. I ran. As fast as I can. I jumped over a tree, turning into a wolf. James was catching up so I sped down, deep into the woods. I stopped in a place that I thought was safe.
"Man, you are fast. Well in sorry skyler but you have to go. No one dumps me I'm the one who dumps you." James said crouching down to my level. I realized now that James used super speed. What the heck.
"Ah yes. As you see I have become a fledgling. I'm drinking tonight, becoming a real vampire. So wolfie, that makes us enemy's." He said and kicked at me. I bit his foot and changed back into my human form. I ran at him and bit down on his arm. James cry echoed around the abandoned area. Soon a flash of black was there, right next to James.

"James, James, JAMES! WAKE UP!" Jesse said staring into James, cold dead eyes.
"You. YOU! YOU KILLED HIM!?" Jesse asked tears almost running down his face. Who knew vampires could cry. I nodded my head and he ran at me. I sidestepped and then jabbed. Then it was a constant stile. Jab, sidestep,bite,claw,jab, back flip, claw,bite. Jesse changed it up once in a while but he wasent able to get a hit on me. Jesse stepped back and hissed. He then flew up up up and away. I growled and walked back home, limping realizing that I broke my foot. I finally arrived home and mom was already packing.
                    [END OF FLASHBACK]
I shook my head in amazement, Jesse finally coming back for more.
"Let's just say I got in a little fight with him. I killed his brother so he was then mad. Haven't seen him sense that day." I said my tail returning and ears retreating, my canines the only ones left.
"Wow. Ok well our first thing is to bait him. Get him close to us then make him leave. Forever." Benny said.
"Wow. First time Benny has had an idea." Erica sneered.
"Shut it Erica. If Jesse is back, well let's just say it will be worst then ever because I'm here." I snarled trying to protect Benny.
"Thx Sky bu..." Benny started to say but I had him pinned against the wall.
"Don't. Ever. Call. Me. Sky." I said.
He looked at me and I think he pissed his pants because he was blushing and looked down, seeing his pants were wet. I let him go and gave him some space for him to fall down to the ground.
"Benny. You better Lauren to my warning and I'm not that scary. Or at least be a big boy and not piss your pants." I laughed and Erica giggled while Sarah just well out cracked up. Ethan giggled nervously and Rory rose up just staring at me. I stopped laughing and smirked. Rory kept looking at me and I glared at him. He seemed to notice I was looking at him and blushed. For two hours after that, we planned our attack, a suprise attack, and a defense for a suprise attack. I have found my new friends.

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