Chapter four

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It was the next day at school when I met up with the boys. The others had early classes so we couldn't meet up. Rory and Benny were arguing while Ethan was just face palming himself. I stepped in between the boys and growled at Benny. He stepped back, putting his hands up. I smirked at the sight and tried around to see a group of people wearing sunglasses. Vampires. One of the people had curly hair another had, wait. No. No, no,no ,NO! My hands started shaking as Jesse laughed at the curly haired guy. Rory and Ethan stepped up beside me, while Benny stayed behind. I turned to get my history stuff for my locker, and then slammed it shut. Jesse turned and his eyes turned red. Not yellow or orange but blood red.
"Well, well, well. Looks like little sky has returned for some more fun from Jesse." Jesse smirked out.
"Sorry Jesse but how is James doin? Good? Oh wait he's not alive so you don't know!" I snarled out at him.
" At least he didn't use me just for show, unlike you!" Jesse whispered in my ear. He was to close so I decided to knee him in the groin. He fell down whimpering as his friends surrounds him.
"Let's go twerps." I said and pushed the boys away from the scene. I felt a hand, a strong hand, on my shoulder and I whipped around. I grabbed the hand, took it off my shoulder, and whipped it over in front of me. The curly haired vamp hissed and stood up. I kicked him where it hurts and pounced on him. I bared my teeth, my ears and tail growing out behind me, and sank them deep in his neck. He screamed and flailed under my strength. All vampires and were wolves know that if a werewolf bites a vampire, they leave the world forever vis versa with the werewolves. His skin bubbled and turned red and hot. It spread across his body which had steam coming off it, turning his body to ash, then nothing. I turned around to see Jesse hissing and biting at the air and I just giggled.
"Bye uncle Jesse." I barley breathed out because I was laughing so hard.
"SKYLER MERCIAL I WILL GET YOU ONE DAY!" Jesse screamed into the air, and then was pulled away. I giggled and felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Ethan and he was pointing at me tail and ears. I looked around, relieved that I saw no one, and willed my wolf traits away. I took my phone out and some headphones, and played she wolf by shakira. You may be like, wow a wolf likes a song about a wolf. But I like it and you can go f**k yourself cause I don't care. I sauntered off done the hallway and ended up in my history class. I sat down, and Rory sat right beside me.
"H h hey Sky." He said and I growled.
"Ok. Sorry , sssskkkkkkyyyyyllllleeeerrrrrr, anyway Ethan wants over at his house tonight. We are going to a warehouse to get some stuff for," he came closer, "you know what." I nodded and tapped my foot. Soon it was lunch and I walked in to get some food. I garbed the garbage the school called food. I dropped the tray down and called max.
"Hey buda" I said into he phone.
"Hey ski, whatcha want." He asked, his voice radiating power, as he knows he is the only one who can challenge me and get away with it.
"What, I can't just call my dear best friend just to ask about his day." I smirked.
"Well you can, but your voice has somethin about it that is suspicious." He answered and I heard a scream.
"Hold on a sec," and I heard max screaming for his brother to shut his mother f**king pie hole.
"K I'm back."
"Well, I need you to come to white chapel." I said. I then proceeded to tell him the plan.
"Ok, but who will I stay with. Your parents are not stupid, only humans are." He whispered trying to stay quiet so his mom will not hear him.
"We figured it out. My new friend, Ethan will have you over. Say you guys met online and that you guys have been skyping and talking a lot." I said as I throwed the non touched slop in the garbage where it came from.
"Alright, I'll just tell dad. Mom is gone for a few weeks so I can stay there for up to 3 months, that is it." Max explained as I heard him rummaging around.
"Thanks max." I whispered as my heart swelled from the help of my best friend.
"No worries. I will be there tomorrow morning." He said and hung up. Shiz. I ran throughout the school and out the front doors, beating the crowd. I ran to Ethan's house and walked inside.
"Hi mrs. Morgan. Is Ethan here?!" I asked tapping my foot.
"Yes he is, him and Benny." She said.
"Thanks" I answered and ran upstairs to barge into geek world. I slid down the door and sighed.
"Hey dorm. So max is coming..." I started but Ethan interrupted.
"Great. When." He said as his eyes scanned his computer.
"I was getting to that. Don't interrupt me. He is coming tomorrow. You may wanna tell you mom." I said. Ethan's eyes widened as he slammed his door open and ran down his stairs.
                      A FEW HOURS LATER 
I walked inside my house to smell the meat already getting cooked. I stepped inside the kitchen and grabbed a bit of steak as my mom smacked my arm.
"Skyler! Don't eat yet, it's almost done." She said and continued cooking. I nodded as I threw the meat up to catch it in my mouth, but a body pushed me out of the way and caught it in their mouth. I swept my leg under his waiting legs and he fell in the living room with a bang. My twin rolled around to glare at me.
"What the f**k Skyler!" He yelled and my mom screamed back,
"Ya sky!" He growled, but I stomped my foot next to his face. He glared at me, his amber eyes shinning.
"You know not to call me sky!" I yelled and stomped my foot on his stomach, making him curl up and whimper.
"SKYLER ALISE MERCIAL DO NOT KICK YOUR BROTHER!! Now go get your little sister and brother and come eat."
"Fine. ALYSSA! JACK! GET YOUR BUTTS DOWN HERE. DINNER" I screamed and heard my mom say,
"Well I could have done that."
After we ate my siblings watched a movie as I FaceTimed Ethan.
"So how did your mom react. He said he could make a little burrow in your yard, but he isn't a vampire nor wolf so he would be there all day." I said and Ethan grinned, and gave me a thumbs up.
"It's a yes!" He laughed and I smiled. After a few minutes of talking, we logged off and went to bed. This plan will go smoothly, that's all we can hope for.

Hey guys I'm so sorry I have not updated. I didn't know anyone actually read my story's so thx! So here is the fourth part. I will try to get at least one chapter, if it's only short but I promise by midnight tonight you will have a 5th chapter. I stay up late anyway but thx for the reads! 🖤

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