Chapter five

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I woke up in a good mood. And let's say that is not easy for me cause I always have at least 1 kid up my azz when I wake up. I opened my lock screen to see that it was 7. I have to be at Ethan's at 7:30. I jumped out of bed and ran around my room, throwing clothes on and I lept out the door and my feet pounded the sidewalk as I ran to Ethan's house. I knocked on the door and Ethan's door opened up.
"Oh, hello! You must be Skyler." He said
"Y y yah" I said out of breath.
"Alright well Ethan is in his room." He said and stepped out of the way. I nodded and ran to his room to see Ethan with Rory talking.
"Hey where is max?" I asked as I barged into the door.
"He is out getting something." He said and with that the door opened behind me to reveal the blond haired idiot.
"MAX!" I squealed and hugged him. He laughed and hugged back, our arms wrapped around each other for a good minute.
"Uh, you guys?" Rory said. I just giggled and let go.
"Ski! It's so good to see you!" He laughed and then danced around like the idiot he was. I just laughed as the other boys stared at us.
"Uh GUYS! We need to know what Max can do for us. All you said was that he could help us." Ethan said.
"Ah yes. I am very good at what I do. I'm a shapeshifter." Max smirked.
"No need for the Malfoy smirk." I giggled out while he flipped me off.
"Hey hey calm down. But how? Like we need Jesse to get close to you and then you need to somehow bite him. What can Max do for us?" Ethan questioned.
"Well, what I was thinking is he can play as a girl. Shape shift into a "new girl" and the pretend to be a vampire. He did it once and everyone believed him. HES AND ACTOR BRO." I said. (Jake Paul reference!)
"Alright well let's see what you have" Ethan said. Max stepped back and his hair grew to his butt, his body formed into a females his eyes got softer, his face not that masculine, and his clothes turned into a dress.
"See, I am now Amelia." He said in a high pitched voice. It was weird because his voice was normally very low and he was a boy. I smiled and Rory looked weirded out. I smirked and sat on Ethan's bed while he talked to Max. Rory came over and sat by me.
"Hey skyler. How are you?" He asked.
"Happy. My best friend just arrived. What about you." I responded facing him.
"Could be better. Hey so your a girl. I have a crush on this girl and I was wondering if you can help me ask her out." He told me.
"Sure. Who is she." I asked.
"I don't want to say." He answered.
"Well then tell me what her personality is like." I said looking him strait in his eyes.
"Well, she is beautiful, she is tough and confident, and she would most likely turn me down. She is scary and doesn't have many friends in school. She hates certain things and would rather be by herself than by people." He said.
"Well , she sounds like an introvert. I would just say strait up ask her out. If she is confident you have to seem like you are. Show her that you will protect her, even if she is stronger. Show her you are alpha." I told him.
"Ok. Thanks Skyler!" He laughed.
"Your welcome." I smiled and then started scrolling though Instagram.

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