Chapter 14: Date. Pregnancy. Panic Attack

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Lacie POV

The date was so much fun we went to the movies and watched Paranormal Activity, I'm sorry those movies are a sad excuse for a scary movie, Mason and I spent the whole movie laughing at other people's reaction. The one thing that whent wrong was a person and not just any person Katie, yes Katie as in Mason's ex, as in Katie Johnson. It all started when I went to the restroom after the movie, It just so happens that she wqas heer too and she decided to stalk Mason. Even though  I didn't realize who was infront of us the whole movie, she knew who was behind her. Talk about CRAZY EX. I got in the bathroom all she said was "Damn Mason what a downgrade." I just contined to an empty stall. "Oh, honey don't worry your just a phase he'll come back to me soon." she stated.

Shut it Lacie you don't wanna start a fight.

You see I'm not great with come-backs but I am good at throwing you a punch. She kept on talking shit about how I was stupid for going out with him and how she was better and prettier than me. I flushed and walked out of the bathroom. "Oh so you have nothing to say?" she asked mockingly.

Keep cool and remember about Maddy.

"Okay wel I will have you know that I am NOT dating Mason. I had nothing to do so he invited me to go to the movies. I that so hard to believe?"

"Oh really so you wouldn't mind if you go out side and see him kissing another girl?" she said grining evily.

No he wouldn't and come-on we are talking about Katie she probably sent one of her whores after him.

"N.O" I stated proudfully.

"Okay then go out side right now."

I walked with her out side to see one of her friends kissing Mason, it wasn't a long kiss, but  I stared his eyes turned blood shot and he looked like he was going to punch the girl.

"Lace can we go." he asked trying to hide his anger

"Y-yes." I said before he grabed my wrist and pulled me out the door. We got in his car.

"Lacie she kissed me." he said honestly

"I figured. I mean Katie was harassing me in the bathroom."


"Mason I trust you." I said not knowing if I should. I mean I trust him right now, but should I in the future?

"Me too." he said before kissing me on my cheek.

We stopped at Cold Stone and got ice cream. I LOVE ICE CREAM.

When I got home it was exactly 11:22(PM). Mason walked me to the door. I was thinking the my mom and Alex where sleeping. Alex opened the door before I could unlock it. "You are 20 minutes late missy." He said trying to be serious. Mason laughed and I giggled. "Okay so are you guys like dating or something, and Lacie dont bother lying." Alex stated.

"Okay fine you caught me Alex." I stated "Yes we are dating but you cant tell anyone." I added"Why?" damn i hate when he gets curious. "Because I'm off limits to Lacie, according to Maddy." Mason said. "Ohhhh... Lace..." now his face that was full of joy turned depressed. "Lacie, Emily is pregnant." Oh shit he found out. Oh my god does he know whose it is?

I looked at Mason blankly, Mason suddenly turned "Well I have to go now so bye babe." 

"Bye Mace." I said waving.

"Alex so who's the dad." although I knew the answer I wanted to see if he knew.

"W-well you see Lace I asked her and she said she didn't want to tell me causeit would ruin our relationship." Alex didn't now? That whore didn't tell him? What the actual fuck. "A-Alex I know who the father is." I stated cautiosly trying for him not react the way he usually does during his anger tantrums. "W-who is it LACIE." his voice began to rise. "Alex please relax and take a deep breath. Please dontget mad." 

"Who the fuck is it Lacie." Shit he's gonna lose it when I tell him.

"Al come to my room with me. Then I'll tell you." 

"Okay." he followed me to my room. I sat him down made sure nothing around him was dangerous.

"Lacie tell me who it is." he was very angry and curious at the same time.


"That ass-hole. What the fuck. Why didn't he tell me. I hate him. AHHHHHHHH." He threw something and punched the wall so hard it made a hole.

"Al please stop."

"And you, you would actually date him.I thought you were suppose to be my sister."

"Alex he didn't know and FYI she was the one who called him. She also told him that she was with 'a stupid little kid who refuses to fuck her and she needed him'. I saw the messages. He didn't know who she was talking about.  And I date who I want Alex you don't control me!" now I was pissed. What the fuck Al you don't know thwe story. "To add it's not my fault that your going out with a tramp." He looked like he was going to lose his mind. He cluched where his heart was and fell on the floor then he started crying and shaking. Fuck he's having another panic attack. And lucky me my mother isn't home. I called Maddy,no answer. I called Mrs. Mathews, no answer. I had no choice I dialed Mason's number. "BABE! Help it's Alex... H-he's having a  panic attack please comeover here and call your mom." 

"He's what! O-Okay I'll be there as soon as I can" I ended the call.

It's been like five minutes he's still shaking. Mason came in with his mom. "Lucy please help him, please, I don't know what to do." Mason just stared at him in shock."Lacie, I'm calling the ambulance." Mrs. Mathews said with a worried look in her eyes. "O-okay." Now I started blubbering like a baby on Mason's shoulder. When we got to the hospital the docters said he was going to be okay, but that when he went home he would have to miss a couple days of school (This was on Sunday). As we sat in the waiting room all I could do is cry. "Mason this is all my fault. I pushed it too far and now he's here." 

"Lace it's not your fault." he said sweetly

"But it is it'smy fault. I didn'ttell him about you and Emily. I didn't tell him that she was pregnant. I sould've, but I didn't, and  I dont know why."


After Alex was released he apologized for blameing Mason. "It's not your fault Alex, she didn't tellyou the whole story, and you where confused." I replied sweetly."It'sme who should be sorry."

I missed Monday and Tuesday. I was busy taking care of Alex. Every now and then Mason would pass by to check up on us. I was happy on Monday when Emily passed by and Alex broke-up with her and told her to go away. Emily was a whore and you know what they say  'once a whore always a whore. Alex's friends passed by to see how he wasdoing they even bought him ballons. On Wenesday was when everything was backto normal and my mother came back home after five days. She's never home any more and I'm worried, but whatever, I'm happy she's paying the bills and stuff. 

On Friday I went home with Mason, Maddy, James, Nathan, and Claire. We even managed to fit Alex in the car. It was hilarious. Mason was driving, James in the passenger seat, I sat on Maddy's lap, Alex sat on Claire's, and Nate sat next to Maddy. Maosn and James kept on taunting us cause we were all clutered up on top of each other. It got to a point where I managed to get Mason so jealous he shut up. I sat on Nate. LOL he got so mad he freaking speeded to get to his house just so that I would get off Nate. (Nate and I are now really close friends)


So I hope you guys liked this Chapter 

I loved it. While I was typing the last part I was laughing soo hard LOL.

To the side is a slideshow showing the characters and some pictures of them together

To the side is also my favorite picture of 'LASON' (AKA Logan Lerman and Lucy Hale)

Thank you guys soo much for reading I have 910 reads. XD

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