Seven Minutes In Heaven?

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Your pov:

Sitting cross legged on the ground with a frown you take a look around the room you were in to see many of your fellow soul reapers and allies such as Ichigo Kurosaki and his Crew of friends. Like Orihime Inoue, Yasutora Sado/ A.K.A Chad, and Uryu Ishida. Eye twitching I hear the familiar voice of a fellow captain making me turn with a smile. "Not having a good time captain (L/N)?" Ukitake ask with a gentle smile sitting down beside you. Sighing you say "call me (F/N) captain Ukitake." Glancing at him with your (E/C) eyes you give him a small smile him returning it and saying "as long as you call me Jushiro." Nodding your head you look at Rangiku who had begun to run around the room to all the men and making them place valuables into a large brown cloth sack. Tilting your head you ask "were you forced here to?" Not taking your eyes of Rangiku as she ran about trying to figure out what she was doing. Jushiro laughs and says "no but I didn't get here without a nudge or two" making you giggle at what he said. Turning your head to show him he had your full attention as your about to say something the sack Rangiku had been running around with was shoved into your face. Turning back you glance at it in confusion. Rangiku smiling at you a flowery aura surrounding her as she held out the sack to you. "Um..... What are you doing?" You ask hesitantly not knowing what she was doing. She just laughs and says "we're playing seven minutes in heaven!!!" Blinking you ask "what's that?" She gasps and falls to the ground with a sweatdrop everyone in the room looking at you in shock. "What? I seriously don't know what seven minutes in heaven is" you say tilting your head to the side like a dog would. Everyone just sweatdrops but some of the men laugh and joke about your innocence and how it was cute. After mumbling to herself for a few minutes Rangiku stands back up smiling mischievously holding the sack out to you. With a grin she says "it's a game! You'll learn more about it if you pick an item from this sack and head into the closet with your chosen partner~" thinking it over in your head you just nod shyly and reach a hand into the brown sack and feeling around the various contents trying to find something that peeked your interest you suddenly felt a familiar sensation as you touched one of the sacks items. Gripping onto the item and pulling it out of the sack slowly you raise your hand for everyone to see and it was........

Several Minutes In Paradise (A Seven Minutes In Heaven Bleach Edition!)Where stories live. Discover now