A Sakura Petal?

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(Byakuya scenario)

Holy crap! Doesn't he look hot in a suit and tie. If only he were real 😭

Your pov:

Slowly raising your hand, item clutched between your finger tips you raise it up so everyone could see that it was...... A Sakura petal. It's smooth skin gently rubbing against your fingers. Looking at it curiously you ask "what now?" Looking at Rangiku who had a smirk on her face as she giggled smugly to herself. "Oh Captain Kuchiki~ captain (L/N) drew your item~!" She sang looking to said man who was standing in the corner of the room arms crossed as he looked at her indifferently before saying " I said I didn't want to play this childish game." His voice cold like always making a small blush go across your face. Was this game really so childish? "Hahaha yes well poor captain (L/N) doesn't know how to play would you mind explaining it to her~ in the closet~" Rangiku giggles grabbing your hand and dragging you to the man whose item you drew before grabbing his wrist as well making him glare at her as we were both shoved into a small closet and just as you were about to yell out in protest the door is slammed in your face making you stumble back and flinching when hearing the lock click Into place. Taking a hesitant step back you feel yourself bump into something warm and hard. Blushing you jump back from captain kuchiki repeatedly saying "sorry! So sorry!" And scooting back even more you feel yourself trip over something that lay on the confines of the floor. Gasping you feel yourself begin to tumble to the ground only to feel a cool callused hand wrap around your wrist pulling you forward making you slam into the very man you had stumbled into before. Blushing even more breath beginning to become more erratic you mumble another "sorry" before the hand around your wrist is placed to the top of your head making you pull away from kuchiki's chest to look up at curiously, your (E/C) beginning to adjust to the darkness you both reside in for the next seven minutes. "Do you understand what this game is?" He ask his voice deep and monotone like always, though it always managed to give you shivers and make you blush. You didn't understand your feelings towards the stoic captain but when you asked Rangiku what they were she had merely squealed and hugged you tightly before running off somewhere. Leaving you behind and confused without explaining whatsoever what you were feeling. And now being stuck in this small closet with him made your heart beat quicken, cheeks become hot, and somehow becoming a clumsy mess. Snapping from your thoughts you shake your head no (H/C) falling into your (E/C) eyes. Glancing into his eyes shyly you ask "can you explain it to me..... I know it's embarrassing that I don't know what game this is......" Before looking down the blush on your cheeks worsening as he looked at you his gaze was so intense it made you want to curl up in the corner and hide from his gaze. You feel the hand that was placed atop your head slowly fall against your hair and place itself against your cheek pulling your face up to look at his. Feeling the blush in your cheeks at its peak, you probably looking like a tomato by now, look up into the captain of squad six eyes beginning to feel yourself become lost in their depth of alluring beauty. "Why don't I just show you?" He ask before leaning down to your face slowly. Eyes widening you watch as he drew ever so closer. Able to feel his cool breath against your lips as his began to brush against yours and soon your heart stops. Captain Kuchiki the man you had somehow fell for was kissing you..... Shocked you somehow manage to relax your tense back and shoulder muscles and breathing a shaky breath your nose slowly close your (E/C) eyes and lean into the kiss, hesitantly placing your small hands against his chest. Able to feel his well defined chest beneath his shihaksho. Drawing away from the kiss after a few seconds you slowly open your eyes falling out of your daze and look up to the face of the once stoic man to see him looking down at you, his dark blue eyes soft and filled with love..... Feeling your own eyes soften you place your forehead against his. "So.... That's how you play?" You ask cheekily a slight blush still coating your cheeks and you smiled shyly to the handsome captain before you. Smirking he says "yes but your only allowed to play it with me." And wrapping his arms around your waist pulls you closer to him foreheads still connected. "I didn't think I could love after what had happened to Hisana..... I thought that if I did remarry I would be betraying her, making her think she was nothing more than a fading memory but then you come along as the new ninth division captain and somehow I knew you were different from everyone else..... Yes I may have fallen in love with another, but I will never forget Hisana as my first love I'd like to think she would want me to be happy. So (F/N) (L/N) will you do me the honor of courting me?" Byakuya confesses his feelings before asking you to be his. With teary (E\C) eyes you nod your head to speechless to say anything and wrap your arms around his neck placing a kiss to his cheek but before you could he turned his head capturing your lips together this time more passionate than the last. This one displayed more love. More Feeling into the kiss. Trying to express to the other how much emotion you felt through such a passionate kiss. And just before it could go any further you hear the lock on the door click meaning it had been unlocked and pulling away quickly you blush arms still wrapped around Byakuya's neck and his wrapped around your waist as the door was slammed open by the tenth division lieutenant yelling "SEVEN MINUTES ARE UP~!" Before a flash went off making you blink your eyes rapidly trying to figure out what had happened. Once your vision was clear you saw Rangiku with a camera smirking and giggling to herself and just before she could run off to show everybody in the other room you hear a familiar deep voice that sent chills down your spine say "scatter SenbonZakura." Before thousands of Sakura petals flew through the air towards the now screaming lieutenant and now a shattered camera making you giggle at the scene. Though he may have went over board Rangiku did deserve it for forcing you here..... But maybe one day you should thank her cause after all you finally got the one you've had your eye on for a long time.......

A/n: hope you liked it! Please comment and vote and let me know if you want a certain character and later I'm thinking of adding the espada and vizards. I don't own bleach or any of its characters not do I own you (obviously) I only own these scenarios ! Bye minna~  

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