Guitar Pick With The Number 69?

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(Shuhei scenario)
My fave character from Bleach! ☺️ I always blush when I see pictures of this hotty right here! Lol

Pulling the small smooth item from the sack you open your clenched fist to see it was a guitar pick? The black color of it was smooth to the touch as you turned it over with your other hand to see the white imprint of the number 69. Rangiku gasps loudly as she leans closer to you and looked quickly between the item and you. She had that menacing smirk of hers as her eyes grew a dangerous glint. Shivering in your seat you wondered what was up with that look of hers. "Oh ho ho ho~ Seems we have the Captain and Lieutenant of Squad 9 entering the closet together!" Rangiku laughs making your (E/C) eyes widen at what she said. 'Of course this would be Shuhei's item! How could I be so ignorant'  you growled to yourself mentally before you were abruptly pulled from your seat yelling profanities to the Lieutenant of squad 10. She had you in a headlock as she approached Shuhei who stood beside Izuru on the other side of the room blushing and shaking in fear at the look in Rangiku's eyes. "Wait Rangiku I can't go in there with my Cap-" he steps back to try to put distance between them but she just grins and flash steps grabbing him making him halt in his protests. "Rangiku!" you choke out from your spot in her headlock as she drags the both of you to the closet down the hall. "I'm gonna fucking kill y-you!" you threatened only for her to tighten her hold making you cough and Shuhei noticed how your (S/T) tone began to pale slightly as you gasped for breath. She slams open the closet door and throws Shuhei inside first making him yell out an enraged "HEY!" Giggling like the idiot she is she then threw you inside as well making you land on your lieutenant with the both of you grunting from the force. "Have fun you two~" Rangiku sung as she closed the door and locked it. The both of you just laid there trying to comprehend what had just happened before you both snapped out of your stupor. "Sorry Shu-Shuhei..." you blushed as you rolled of your lieutenant and kneeled by Shuhei's side. "It's fine Captain" he smiles slightly with a blush across his cheeks. He sat up and leaned his back against one of the walls in the closet with his left leg pulled resting his left arm across the top of his leg. Sighing he closed his eyes and rested his head against the wall. As you watched him get settled and after a moments silence you shift so that you were sitting beside Shuhei with your legs criss-crossed as you both just basked in the silence between the both of you. Although there was one thing that was bothering you. "Hey Shuhei... exactly what is this game we're being forced to play?" turning your head you look to your Lieutenant. His eyes jerk open and he suddenly chokes on his spit coughing into his hand as he looked at you wide eyed. Your own eyes widen at his reaction and freaking out shriek "Is it that bad?!" while leaning over and patting his back trying to help him out and regain his breath. After a moment his coughing fit ends and his cheeks are a deep scarlet as he looked up to meet your gaze. You look back and only after a few seconds realize just how close you were to your Lieutenant, faces merely a few inches apart and you couldn't keep a blush from your cheeks as his reddened even more and began stuttering nonsense like "How's the weather?" and "I hear they're calling for rain!" Narrowing your (E/C) eyes you couldn't help but to express your confusion. "What the heck are you going on about Shuhei?" you tilted your head unknowingly making yourself adorable in Shuhei's eyes. His already wide eyes somehow widened even more and he suddenly yelled "WE'RE SUPPOSED TO KISS!" before falling back with a nose bleed. Shrieking you reach out to catch him while grabbing a handkerchief you always kept on you trying to stop his sudden nosebleed. "YOUR TIME IS UP!!!" Rangiku yelled at the top of her lungs while slamming open the door. Only to pause at what was before her. Shuhei had his head resting in your lap passed out with you frantically holding a white handkerchief to his nose to staunch the bleeding. Looking up you look to her pleadingly for help only to see her happy expression to fall into a deadpan one. Shuhei grunts and chose the perfect time to regain consciousness. He slowly opened his eyes to see you looking down at him worriedly with Rangiku glaring at him over your shoulder making him freeze and shiver. He had practically begun to sweat at the intensity of it. "You are such a wuss!" Rangiku growled while moving around you to pull him up and she began to violently shake him as you looked on wide eyed. "This was the perfect chance for you to woo the Captain and what do you do?! You get a nosebleed and pass out, I can't believe just how stupid you are now go and kiss her you idiot!!!!" Rangiku screams in Shuhei's face before suddenly turning him around and pushing him into you and neither one of you could react at the suddenness of it and your lips collided making you both freeze. Slowly Shuhei pulls away his blush returned as he once again stuttered this time with apologies before passing out again this time you were ready and caught him in your arms though that didn't keep the blush from your cheeks at what just happened. "Hey is everything alright? We heard yelling?!" Izuru and Renji appeared in the closet doorway only to stumble upon the scene of Shuhei passed out and with a nosebleed, a blushing you with Shuhei held closely to you and a smug looking Rangiku with her hands on her hips. The both could only look to each other and sweat-drop.

A/N: hey there dudes and dudettes hope you liked the Shuhei Hisagi scenario. Please vote and leave requests for other characters in the comments the next chapter will be out soon!

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