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chat between mariah gustin⚡️ & spidey charlie🕷

spidey charlie🕷

i'm freaking out right now

mariah gustin⚡️

i know i heard you scream
how come you were so calm back out there in your post?

spidey charlie🕷

i can't show him how obsessed i am

mariah gustin⚡️

yeah right 😑😑
i might expose another secret of yours! buahahaha

spidey charlie🕷

do it and i will expose one of yours

mariah gustin⚡️

like what? i am an open book you know i don't worry about those things
what are you going to do?

spidey charlie🕷

oh you will see very soon sweetheart
*evil laugh*

mariah gustin⚡️

i am scared now
SEEN AT 2:53 pm

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