four [real life]

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thursday night sucked.

Mariah called her best friend the whole day making her put her phone in silent, she didn't have to worry about her mom calling her since she was at home with her.

Charlie spent the day cuddled in bed with her favorite teddy bear, she knew that tomorrow she had to be in Mariah's house and well she hadn't pack anything, she had been stuck on her computer watching episode 4 on the fourth season of supernatural with her french poodle Castiel on her feet sleeping. a very demonic name for such an angelic pooch she has.

a knock on her door was heard and briefly the handle moved opening the door of her room showing the familiar face of the browned eyed friend, carrying a small box on her hands, Charlie looked at her for a moment to focus back to the tv show on her small screen

"hey you need to stand up" the calm voice of Mariah was heard on the small room "i brought you something i know you will like to see" her footsteps got closer as she sat on the edge of her bed "here I know you will like them" her hands handed over the small box she carried with her and placing it on the smaller hands of her friend 

"what is it?" Charlie asked as she shook the box gently close to her ear trying to hear the inside of it, useless as most of the time, Charlie opened the pressent ripping the cute golden paper that covered it to show a white box with a note stuck on the top LOVE YOU BABY, a smile showed on her face as she opened the box

a small golden necklace with a heart was inside, a card was in it too and a small snickers bar, Charlie let out a chuckle as she covered her face and the arms of her friend grabbed her pulling her into a hug, tears came out of her eyes, the happy tears, she hugged back setting her arms around her neck pulling her friend closer 

"Gosh I hate you so much" Charlie said with a giggle breaking the hug both brunnettes have shared, grabbing the small heart necklace placing it around her neck "Thanks Mariah" she said looking at her friend with a gentle smile and wipping her tears off that were falling on her cheeks

"Now that you have the smile I wanted to see, we are leaving, you are sleeping at my house, your mom said it's okay, so grab your bags and everything you are taking to London and let's go" Mariah screamed the last two words of happiness and stood up fro the bed closing the laptop of her friend 

"I can't" those two words made Mariah stop moving and look straight at Charlie who now was with her head low and both hands passing through her legs avoidng contact with the not so happy female

"Why?" she asked stepping closer as her eyebrow arched 

"I haven't packed anything yet" she looked up to see her friend with her arms crossed "Can you help me?" she said pouting and making her best help me eyes 

"Oh there is no need to even ask me, I am helping you, so stand up and make room for packing, we might end up here a while" 

Both girls finished packing after midnight, it was almost one am when they laid down laughing staring at the ceiling of the white bedroom, Mariah sat up taking her phone out and let out a gasp standing as fast as she could grabbing the two bags they just filled with clothes, shoes, makeup, cleaning essentials and hair essentials

"Charles is one in the morning, our flight changed and we are leaving at midday, let's go" her voice was heard as she was walking out of the room

Charlie standing up saying her goodbyes to her dog and her mother who has awake watching a movie on the living room, both got out of the house and into the car that Mariah arrived, making their way back to the youngest house, grabbing the bags they left on the trunk and getting inside the house

thankfully no one was awake and the light were off, trying their best to make the least noise possible both of them made their way to the bedroom of the teenager, covering their mouths to stop the giggles, chuckles and laughter to get out.  walking upstairs and towards the small hallway finally arriving to the last door of the corridor.

Sleeping on the Queen sized bed, Mariah and Charlie laid down letting their laughs they've been holding for a long time, finally out, each getting comfortable for the short time they had until they were waken up by the mother of the youngster.

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