Five; You Can

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3 months after the events of Return of the Jedi.

Leia pulled his shirt over her head. She stretched her arms into the sleeves, feeling the cool shirt against her skin. She buttoned the remaining ones, deciding the leave the last one open.

His pants lay left out on their bed, and she pulled them up, laughing at how small she was compared to him. But Leia didn't mind her size. Her body fit perfectly against his at night, and she loved the way he could carry her around.

She made her way over to their bed, careful not to trip on any of his clothes on the floor. It drove her crazy when he did this, but she still loved him a hell of a lot.

Leia slid under the covers next to him. He lay there, asleep, facing her. His hair was tousled along his handsome face. Next to his face lay his hand, supporting his chin, as the bugle of his bicep muscle peeked out from under the covers.

His hazel eyes opened, as his hand stretched out to touch her cheek. "Hey sweetheart."

His fingers caressed her cheek gently. "Han, I missed you."

Han smiled, his smile alone enough to brighten her day. "I know Leia."

He moved closer to her, pulling the covers up and around her. Leia jumped a bit as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his chest. She leaned her head against his shoulder, happy to once again be wrapped up in her lovers arms. "Now tell me princess, how was your trip?"

Leia had gone to Naboo to establish a New Republic trade route that would bring goods to Naboo from Coruscant. She hated to leave him for a while right after their marriage and the end of the war with the Galactic Empire, but Leia was the perfect person for the job, due to her birth mother, former Queen of Naboo; Padmé Amidala.

"Han, it's getting late," she said, hoping he didn't recognize the strain in her voice.

He did. "Leia tell me. You sound troubled."

She cuddled closer to him. "The route's established. Everything went as planned on Naboo," she told him.

He raised an eyebrow. "Is that all?"

"No," Leia confessed, burying her face in his chest. "It's just-," she sighed. "I don't want to go on these missions anymore. They're so far away, so time consuming, and I'm forced to be away from you for weeks at a time. I don't want to be a senator again. I don't want the force, I just want you."

His arms tightened around her. "Leia don't say that. When I first met you, I was in love with you. You're beautiful, strong, determined, courageous, and a symbol of hope. I knew I loved you when you refused to give up. You kept fighting for the Rebellion through the ups and downs, continuously keeping hope in the heart of the Rebellion. You refused to give in when we lost a battle, and you put your life on the line countless times for the Rebellion. But the New Republic and the Rebellion are still a part of you as you are a part of them. Don't give up on the New Republic you and your father Bail Organa worked over many years to create. You carried on his legacy through the Rebellion and now today the New Republic. Don't give up on that for me. Learn the ways of the force with Luke. You were born with a special power, the force, something I never believed in until I met you and Luke. Train with him and pass on what you've learned to the younger generation of Jedi Knights and the younger generation of senators that look up to you as a hero. And remember Leia, don't give up because of me, I'll be right here by your side."

Leia wiped the tears off her cheeks. "Han..."

Han's hand slid back up to her cheek, his thumb, wiping away the tears. She buried her face in his chest once again. "I can't do this anymore."

"Yes you can."

Leia sighed. "I don't want this anymore. I want to fly around the galaxy with you, have kids. I want you."

He kissed her forehead. "Sweetheart, you hold the highest position in the New Republic. You've worked all your life to bring change to the galaxy. The Empire has been defeated, the galaxy in need of a new government. Now's the time to make those changes Leia."

"I want to step down."

She rested her head in the crook of his arm. "You don't see it, but me, Luke, Chewie, the rest of the New Republic, we all see it. Leia you're a natural leader. You weren't given the highest position in the New Republic for giggles, people trust you. They want you to lead."

More tears streamed down her face. "Look how that turned out."

Han knew she was referring to Alderaan. "Sweetheart, there's nothing you could've done. Tarkin had orders to destroy Alderaan way before you stumbled into his grasp. Alderaan was thought to be the rebel base."

"How do you know?"

"I overheard in the shipyards on Tatooine. Look," he said, tilting her chin up to face him. "Tarkin decided to have his fun while torturing you and carrying out orders from Vader and the Emperor."

He paused. "People look up to you Leia. A lot. I remember walking in the streets of Coruscant, the days following your promotion, seeing the children asking 'who's that lady on the holonet'. And their parents explaining to them it was Princess Leia, hero of the Rebellion."

"I remember this one so clearly. There was a man with his daughter. She asked who you were and the man said 'Princess Leia. She saved my life, as well as your moms. We owe everything to her.'"

Leia looked at him. "Han, I can't."

He held in a sigh. Maybe this would hit her on a personal level. "You remember our argument on Hoth? You followed me down that hallway, pleading for me to stay."

She nodded a yes.

"I know I was an ass at the time, but as we argued, and you told me 'we need you.' I knew you liked me, and I liked you a hell of a lot."

"I did like you, as much as it drove me crazy."

"You fought back your feelings for the Rebellion that many thought was damned to fail. That's dedication to put the Rebellion before yourself. You did that time and time again. And that's what we need at the helm rebuilding our government."

"Leia I know you can do it, everyone knows you can do it, you need to believe in yourself."

She closed her eyes, letting his words sink in. She could do it. This wasn't a barrier she couldn't tackle. They were past the Empire, facing the future of peace and prosperity in the galaxy.

Leia smiled. "Maybe I should bring you along. You'd be a good speaker."

"Uh no. Me? I'd never last in politics."

She laughed, placing a hand on his cheek. Pulling him close, she kissed him passionately. "I love you Han Solo."

Han smiled, kissing her. This time, the kiss lingered, neither wanting to pull apart. "I love you too Leia Solo."

Looking at her hand, she stared intently at the diamond ring, he'd given her just a few months ago. "Leia Solo? I really like that."

And she kissed him again.

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