Twelve; News?

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Sometime following Return of the Jedi.

Leia Organa-Solo did not feel right. She hadn't felt right for weeks since Han left on his latest supply run. She couldn't concentrate, and was more tired now than she'd even been. Leia had thrown up multiple times in the past week and continuously felt nauseous.

She scanned over the next data log on her holopad when the queasiness returned. Leia also didn't have the desire to work anymore. In the past she loved what she did for the Alliance, even if she was away from her husband for hours at a time. There were often nights when he would find her asleep in her office and carry her all the way back to their quarters.

Now, Leia despised her job. With the way she'd been feeling lately, it was a nuisance. She would never admit that to Han, or anyone for the matter. Because the alliance hierarchy would have a fit. Her marriage with Han would sure be in the spotlight if the Princess chose not to work anymore.

See-Threepio quickly made his way over to Leia's desk when he heard the Princess exhale a slew of Corellian curses as her world spiraled in front of her.

"Mistress Leia, are you alright?"

"No Threepio," Leia answered quietly after fighting off another wave a nausea.

"Is there anything I may do to help?" Threepio asked.

Leia stared at her holopad for a few moments. "Bring me some lunch please."

"Yes Mistress Leia." He turned to leave.

"And Threepio?"

Her loyal protocol droid spun around. "A bottle of Corellian brandy too."

The golden droid looked at the Princess for a few moments. That was an odd request. Usually she would ask for her favorite flatbread every day for lunch. The brandy was new. But Threepio ignored his thoughts and went to fetch the bread and brandy for her.


Leia finished the bread quickly. But that didn't seem to help her upset stomach. She'd been working a lot lately and sometimes began to feel queasy and weak after she'd hadn't eaten in a while. This was different. Something was wrong.

Just as she was about to pop open the bottle of Corellian brandy, Leia thought better of it. This wasn't a good time to be drinking. It was the middle of her work day, and the brandy probably wasn't the best thing to help her upset stomach.

Leia added the bottle to the stash and the lowest drawer of her desk that was used just before Han left on the next supply run.


She missed Han terribly. More than she ever had. Her upset stomach wasn't helping with his absence. In fact, it was making her miss her husband more.

Instead of getting back to work, Leia browsed through her private holos of herself, Han, Luke, Chewie, and the droids. The holos depicted some of her most fond memories. Her gaze settled on one taken after the rebels destroyed the second Death Star. Her arms were wrapped around Han who sat beside Lando. Luke stood beside her and in front of Chewie. It was the first time in years Leia Organa had been genuinely happy.


"Yes, Your Highness?"

"Get Luke on the comm for me please."

It was only a few moments before Luke's face appeared on her holo pad. The young Jedi immediately smiled.

"Leia! I wasn't expecting to hear from you."

She shrugged and managed a small smile. Leia often wasn't able to make contact with Han for days at a time. While he was gone, she sought comfort in her brother.

"You don't seem like yourself."

As a Jedi and her brother, Luke knew when something was bothering his sister. Today was no exception. It didn't take long for him to coax Leia to explain everything to him.

It felt like hours for Leia to get everything out. Meanwhile, Luke listened and heard his sister out.

"I don't want to dig to deep into your personal life with Han, but did you guys ever...?"

He didn't have to finish his question. Leia knew exactly what he was referring to. It happened again just before Han left.

"You think I'm pregnant?"

Luke nodded and Leia's hand clasped over her mouth. "How do you know?"

He closed his eyes for a moment then opened them. "I can feel it. Leia, you're carrying a child."

Leia covered her face with her hands. How could this of happened? She and Han were careful.

"It seems like you've been carrying him for a while now," Luke added.


"Yes, you're carrying a boy."

Leia passed out. She fell out of her chair, scaring her husband who'd just entered her office to surprise her with his early return.


Han knelt down next to her as her eyes fluttered open. "Han?"

"Surprise!" He said with a smile.

"What are you doing here? You weren't supposed to be home for another few days?"

He helped her to her feet. "Chewie and I got done early. Figured I'd surprise you."

Once she sat back down in her chair, Han noticed Luke for the first time. "Hey kid."

"Hello Han."

"Leia's not working herself to hard right?"

"No she isn't."

He sat on her desk right next to her holopad and looked directly at his wife. "That's good to hear."

Luke quickly said goodbye, leaving Han with Leia. She leaned back in her chair, the surprise still playing tricks on her. Leia just found out she was pregnant with their son. Then he walked in, giving her no time to figure out how to tell him. She knew her scoundrel well, but she didn't know how he was going to handle the news that he would soon be a father.

"What did Luke have to say? Sounds like he had some big news for you."

Leia swallowed. She had to tell him now. The question was, how was he going to react?

"Han," she started. "Luke and I... we figured out that I'm-that we're..."

He reached out and grabbed her hand. "Tell me sweetheart."

"I'm pregnant Han. We're having a son."

Han froze. "We're having a son? When did you find this out?"

"Just now."

"We're having a son?"

Leia nodded, and Han was quick to scoop her up in his arms. "We're having a baby!"

She smiled and kissed him. "We're having a baby."

Han kissed her. "I can't believe it."

"Me either hotshot."

This was requested. I hope you like it!

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