Chapter 2 "Its Starting"

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Hope you enjoy Chapter 2 "Its Starting"

Luke's Pov

Its two hours into the party and all I've done is sit here watching everyone else have fun. I don't even think there are any single people other than me at this stupid party. I finally decide to go get a drink since i haven't had anything since this morning. 

"Hey Luke, Having fun?" Ashton asks me as he is getting drinks for him and Ana.

"What do you think. I've been sitting by myself for the past two hours while you are off who knows where with Ana." I snapped at him. I realized it came out rather rude because Ash's face went from being bright and happy to sorta dark and sad. "Ash I didn't mean for it to come out like that. I'm sorry I'm just not having a very fun time tonight" 

"Its fine Luke. I understand I shouldn't have made you come anyway. Just try to have a good time. It is New Years Eve anyway."

"Ill try Ash." I laughed cause i knew that that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. 


Its an hour till midnight. I'm still in the same spot that I've been in all night. This one girl caught my attention. She was perfect. She had long dark brown hair, an amazing smile and she was just perfect. She looked like she was the only single on in her group like me. The boys just joined me with their girlfriends. 

"Luke. Go talk to her." Calum said snapping me out of whatever daze she put me in. "Shes just a girl. I know you've talked to many many girls" he added. 

"But shes perfect. I've never talked to a girl like her before." 

I just don't know how to explain it. She makes me nervous and I'm never nervous around girls. I don't know what to do anymore. She just makes my heart skip a beat. I wonder what he name is. Her name is probably something as beautiful as she is. 

Ashanti's POV

An hour till midnight which means two hours till i can leave. This one person caught my eye. He was so handsome. He had blonde hair that was styled just perfect. He looked single, just like me. All his friends had girlfriends and he was just sitting there all by himself. 

"Why don't you just go talk to him." my friend Eric asked me. Eric is dating one of the girls that helps me write my music. 

"Hes different. I just cant walk over and talk to him." I replied. 

Just looking at him gave my butterflies. I had been admiring him from afar for the past hour. I just cant work up the guts to go talk to him. 

Maybe this night won't turn out so bad after all. 

Luke's POV 

I just wish i could work up the guts to talk to her. 

Maybe tonight won't turn out so bad after all. 


Hope you liked it. 



Hope this wasnt to confusing. Sorry If it was.

Message me or comment if it was and Ill explain it. 

Love Ya Little Readers. 


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