Chapter seven

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A/N Italics represent dreams

Impmon was sitting in the back seat with his trainers AI and Mako since they were going to visit their grandmother. He stared out the window as he trainers bickered at each other a speeding car swerved in front of them causing to slam on the breaks which caused the car behind them to crash and Impmon was being slammed this way and that and once the that stopped he only got to see his trainers one last time before a light surrounded him and soon he was in the primary village as Yaamon.


The sound of screaming woke her up but it came from Beelzemon's room so she got up and walked over to his room. As she got closer she could hear him quietly from the room. Dangles had sensitive hearing and smell. She walked up to the door and she knocked on the door.

"Beelzemon its me can I co-"

A hand grabbed her wrist and dragged them inside and Beelz pinned Angelica against the door and he cried into her chest and his tail wrapped around them tightly. All Angelica could do at this point was comfort him and tell him "its ok" and try to soothe him. 

"I don't want to lose you Angelica," He whispers, "I can't lose the one person I still have in my life as a friend."

He then started rambling into my chest and he held her there until he fell asleep  and she held him so he wouldn't fall, luckily she was strong, so she laid him back on his bed but his tail was still wrapped around them. When she tried to entangle it from herself, but it acted like it has a mind of its own and it pulled her toward Beelz so she ended up  laying next to him. She was blushing and she felt, comforting the Beelzemon and she realized she was slowly falling for him. Angelica laid there for a long time thinking before she ended up falling asleep.


Beelzemon woke up the next morning to the sight of Angel laying next to him which of course made him blush when he realized that his tail was still wrapped around her so his tail unwrapped itself from her and he got up. Beelz covered Angelica so she could continuing sleep peacefully. He went into the kitchen and he started to make breakfast he was talking to himself and he was trying to figure out how to tell Angelica.  

"I just want to tell her I really like her" 

He went to get get some plates but he blushed an gasped seeing Angelica standing there. She was blushing too. 


"Beelzemon? what do you.."

It caused her to blush and he stood there  quietly holding the plates. He set them down and he walked over to her and she looked up and he stopped and he was inches from her. He stared into her eyes and then they started to lean in. Their lips touched and both closed their eyes and shared a kiss. It felt like it lasted forever but they broke away a few moments later and he placed his hand on her face.

"Angelica, I love you," He whispered and he rubbed her cheek.

"I love you too Beelzemon,"  She whispered back setting her hand on his and she leaned into his touch. 

Angelica and Beelzemon spent the day together and went out to have lunch together. 

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