Chapter eight

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Angelica was sitting next to Beelzemon and they were watching TV and she was cuddling him, he held her. It's been about a few weeks since they got together and it felt like her life was complete. She could tell Beelzemon was feeling the same way since he was dragging his fingers through her hair. They had a few dates here and there but she was thinking of what she use to hear.

"Its hard to believe were together," She whispered mostly to herself, "He would always say no one would love me."

Bells continued to drag his fingers through her hair and remained silent. Last night he told her that they were going to go out for the evening. Beelzemon stopped and she looked at him and he smiled at Angelica when he sees that the digivice was sitting on the table. He touched his forehead to mine which made her chuckle but she looked into his eyes and he stared at hers, their lips pressed against each others in a gentle kiss. After a few minutes we pull away and he gets up.

"I need to go make sure everything is all set up," He says, "You should go get ready."

With a nod she got up and went into their room.


 He  waited for his girlfriend and he looked up to see her walking out of their room. She had her hair in a braid and a beautiful black dress with a purple bow on her waist and she was wearing her combat boots. She started blushing and she looked at him.

"U-um how do I look Beelze?" She took his hand. 

Beelzemon can't find the words to describe how perfect and beautiful Angelica look and how amazing she was to him. All he could do was kiss her forehead and lead her out of the complex and to there destination. He helped her onto behemoth and then he started driving her to the city limits. Once they were outside the city he pulled up to a little clearing in the middle of the forest that's near the city and what was there made Angelica smile. There was a picnic blanket laid out with a candles were lit and Beelezemon lead her toward the blanket and the spot gave them a perfect view of the stars. Angel smiled as Bells took out some food out of a basket and he couldn't help but blush as he watch his girlfriend smiling at him.


It was awesome that Beelzemon did all of this for her and he even gave her his jacket when it started to get cold so they could stare up at the stars together.  A smile spread across her face as she remembered the day they met.

"Beelze remember the day with met?" She looked up at him and he smiled and nodded. 

"Yes I do," He whispers, "to think I could have all of this by simply sunbathing in  the middle of the park."

After another 15 minutes of staring at the stars we cleaned up our stuff and started to head home. Once they got home she went to the bedroom and closed the door so she could change into some pajamas but her boyfriend had a different idea because he walked through the door and he pulled me into a heated kiss. Soon we were on the bed and he was over me on all fours.


Beelzemon woke up the next morning feeling great but his face turned redder than a tomato when he recalled what happened the night before. He looked over at Angelica to see that she was still sleeping peacefully with a smile on her face. 

"I will always protect you," he says softly and he plants a soft kiss on her cheek.

Then he got up and got dressed and went to make his beloved some breakfast.


A/N I hope you all enjoyed that I apologize I took a while to update.

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